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DescriptionHuman Reproduction; Plant Reproduction
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Unit F Reproduction

Key Expectations forunit:

Most Children:

Will identify some of themain taxonomic groups of animals and describe some features ofthese; explain that growth occurs when cells divide and increase insize; Identify the main reproductive organs and describe theirfunctions; describe fertilisation as the fusion of 2 cellnuclei

More able:
Recognise that inherited and environmental causes of variationcannot be completely separated.

Less able:
Will identify a few taxonomic groups of animals. Identifyand name the main reproductive organs; identify the importance ofthe placenta in supplying food for developing fetus. Identify majororgans of flowering plants.




Learning Objectives

Children tolearn:

Week 4 Lesson F1

80 minutes


  To know that animals can beclassified as vertebrates or invertebrates.

  To know that vertebrates can beclassified into 5 main groups

  To know that invertebrates can beclassified into 2 main groups

Week 4 Lesson F2

80 minutes

Classification - keys

  To be able to use a key toidentify the classification of a plant or animal

  To be able to create a key toidentify plants or animals.

Week 5 Lesson F3

80 minutes

Human Reproduction

  To know that body changes are apreparation for sexual maturity, and understand the process ofconception

  To know that physical andemotional changes take place during adolescence

Week 5 Lesson F4

80 minutes

Gestation & Development

  To understand the development of asingle egg into a fetus

  To understand the processes offetus development and birth

Week 6 Lesson F5

80 minutes

Inheritance & Variation

  To know that members of specieshave common features

  To know that some variations areinherited

  To know that environmentaldifferences can result in variations in a species

Week 6 Lesson F6

80 minutes

Plant Reproduction

  To know that pollination is thetransfer of pollen grains from an anther to a stigma.

  To know that fertilisation happenswhen the nucleus of the male sex cell joins with the nucleus of thefemale sex cell.




+ KeySkills

Children to learn..

Activities, teaching andlearning methods


A.T. or P.o.S


Success Criteria

F1: Classification

  To know that animals can be classified as vertebrates orinvertebrates.

  To know that vertebrates can be classified into 5 maingroups

  To know that invertebrates can be classified into 2 maingroups

Discuss how animals can be classified as vertebrates/invertebrates.

Summarise features of 5 main groups of vertebrates: skincovering, limbs, eggs, how they breathe (Collins p165).

Introduce invertebrate categories arthropods andnon-arthropods. (Hodder p90)

Children should record in books, including examples of eachcategory.

Collins p165

Hodder p90







Key Objectives


All will understand that animals can be classifieddepending on the presence or absence of a backbone.

Most will recognise that all animals can be classified intoone of several groups. They will be able to explain the definingfeatures of some categories.



F2: Classification Keys


  To be able to use a key to identify the classification of aplant or animal

  To be able to create a key to identify plants oranimals.

Revise knowledge accrued from previous session.

Use information cards about various species to classifyaccording to knowledge. Discuss issue of platypus (mammal but layseggs)

Identify the need for classification keys.

Children can devise their own key to separate animals intotheir respective species.

Information cards about animals







Key Objectives


All will understand that keys can be useful fordifferentiation between different groups of animals.

Most will devise a key suitable to differentiate betweenthe main 7 groups of animals and will be able to use it todifferentiate between certain animals.







F3: Human Reproduction


  To know that body changes are a preparation for sexualmaturity, and understand the process of conception

  To know that physical and emotional changes take placeduring adolescence

See Sex & Relationship EducationPlans.

Review of work on reproduction and conceptionfrom Year 6.

Discuss changes involved in puberty, and reasonsfor these changes as preparation for reproduction. Explainmenstrual cycle as part of reproduction process.

Consider functions of parts ofmale/female reproductive systems (Hodder p44/5) and how an egg isfertilised (Hodder p46/47) as part of intercourse.

Hodder text

It may be appropriate for this lesson to beclassroom-based.


Sc2/1c, Sc2/2f, Sc2/2g





Key Objectives


All will understand the functions of the reproductiveorgans, and will be familiar with the changes of puberty inadolescence

Most will understand the role of the menstrual cycle in thereproduction process. They will understand how fertilisation takesplace in the oviduct

Some will understand the various stages through which theegg develops into fetus and embryo.



F4: Gestation & Developments


  To understand the development of asingle egg into a fetus

  To understand the processes offetus development and birth

Consider what was covered in previous session, and begin tolook at the development of the egg into a fetus and then embryo bycell division.

Look at role of placenta, and amniotic sac, and develop tochildbirth, and labour.

Hodder texts







Key Objectives


All will understand that the baby develops in the wombduring pregnancy, and that development is led by celldivision.

Most will understand that the placenta passes necessaryfood and oxygen to the baby from the mother, while maintainingseparate bloodstreams.

Some will understand the reasons for identical andnon-identical twin births.



F5: Variation & Inheritance


  To know that members of species have commonfeatures

  To know that some variations are inherited

  To know that environmental differences can result invariations in a species

Introduce Mr Men variation powerpoint.

Discuss what pupils already understand about inheritance.Establish the understanding that inheritance is brought aboutthrough passing on of genes in egg and sperm to fetus.

Identify further variation in people, differentiatingbetween inherited and environmental variation, noting that manyaspects are dependent on both.

Mr Men Powerpoint



Sc2/4a, Sc2/4c





Key Objectives

C5, C6

All will understand that many features of our bodies areinherited from parents

Most will understand that our bodies are developed througha mixture of inherited and environmental variation, and that someaspects are a combination of both.



F6: Plant Reproduction


  To know that pollination is the transfer of pollen grainsfrom an anther to a stigma.

  To know that fertilisation happens when the nucleus of themale sex cell joins with the nucleus of the female sexcell.

Review Y6 work on theorgans of plants.

Extend vocabulary toinclude style, ovary, anther, filament.

Observe pollen and ovule insimple flower with large stamens and ovaries. Identify otherorgans in viewed flower.

Explain processes ofpollination and fertilisation.

Describe life cycle of flowering plants & point outsimilarities to life cycle of humans.

Suitable flowers, e.g. daffodils







Key Objectives


All will understand that plants reproduce by comination ofmale and female sex cells.

Most will know the reproductive organs of plants, and willidentify both male and female organs. They will understand theprocess of fertilisation as it takes place in plants, and begin tounderstand the plant life cycle.
