Brenden is Teaching


NameIntroduction to Science
Description6-lesson unit for introduction to Science in Year 7
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Unit A ScienceMatters

Key Expectations forunit:

Most Children:

Will recognise hazards inthe lab; name & draw scientifically common lab apparatus; statethat fuels release energy when burnt; explain their classificationof some difficult materials; describe materials as being made ofparticles & describe the movement & arrangement of these, & beginto use the particle model to explain phenomena eg the mixing ofliquids

More able:

Will accurately draw andlabel scientific apparatus; be able to explain why varying Bunsenflames produce varying hear; explain why common lab apparatus aremade of particular materials; use the particle theory to explain arange of phenomena

Less able:

Will name and draw some items of common lab apparatus;recognize that different Bunsen flames create different amounts ofheat; classify material as solid, liquid or gas & recognise thatmaterials are made of particles.




Learning Objectives

Children to learn:

Week 1 Lesson A1

80 minutes

Lab Safety

Lab Rules

To recognizehazards, and take relevant precautions

To devise andagree a set of lab rules

Week 1 Lesson A2

80 minutes

Lab apparatus

Scientific diagrams

To learn thenames & uses of common items of lab apparatus;

To represent labapparatus diagrammatically.

Week 2 Lesson A3

80 minutes

Fire triangle

Use of Bunsen burner

To know thatfuels are substances which burn to release energy;

To use a Bunsenburner safely.

Week 2 Lesson A4

80 minutes

Solids, Liquids & Gases

Particle Theory

To classifymaterials as solids, liquids or gases & to recognise that some aredifficult to classify.

To know thatsolids, liquids & gases are made up of tiny particles.

To know that thedifferences between solids, liquids & gases can be explained interms of the proximity & motion of their particles.

Week 3 Lesson A5

80 minutes

Collapsing bottleexperiment

Mixing coloured liquids

Scientific language & writing style

To apply a modelto new phenomena to explain behaviour

To recognizethat the movement of particles creates pressure on a surface

Week 3 Lesson A6

80 minutes

Saturated Solutions

To know thatwhen a solid is added to a liquid, eventually no more willdissolve

To know thatdifferent masses of different solids dissolve in the same volume ofa particular solvent





+ KeySkills

Children to learn ..

Activities, teaching andlearning methods


PoS & KeyObjectives

Planned Outcomes

Success Criteria


A1: Overview


  To recognize hazards, and take relevant precautions

  To devise and agree a set of lab rules


NB: It may beappropriate to combine lessons 1 and 2 where time allows particularly if the half term is short


Most of this term's science involves the children workingwith a partner.

Introduction to the lab &the years work.

Letters to parents andchildren re the Y7 Science curriculum, homework.

Safety, disposal ofglassware, mercury, taps, face shields.

Look at lab hazard sheets -unsafe items/ situations discussed. With a partner devise a numberof lab. Rules. Teacher writes these on board group, rearrangeetc. to come up with an agreed set of lab rules, typically 6-8 innumber.

Homework -design a safetyposter for the lab.

RoSPA lab hazards worksheet x32

Information letter forparents x32









All pupils will have a shared understanding of therequirements of Health & Safety when using the laboratory andscientific equipment.









A2: Lab apparatus

  To learn the names & uses of common items of labapparatus;

  To represent lab apparatus diagrammatically.

Introduce variety of laboratory apparatus that childrenwill meet over the course of the year. Children taught the uses ofdifferent articles, and recognise the need to use diagrammaticdrawings when showing apparatus.


Labelling Task forapparatus children to draw apparatus diagrams in their books, andlabel appropriately. If time allows, children could drawarrangements of apparatus, e.g. beaker on tripod & gauze overBunsen burner, etc.

Lab apparatus (1 per table):

Bunsen burner; Heat-proofmat; Tripod; Gauze; Evaporating dish; Funnel; Conical flask;round-bottomed flask; delivery tube; beaker; test tube; measuringcylinder.

Sheet 1 - How do we drawapparatus?









Children know names of apparatus, know how to draw themusing appropriate scientific conventions and what they are usedfor. Correct spellings of apparatus names.










A3: Fuels & Fire

  To know that fuels are substances which burn to releaseenergy;

  To use a Bunsen burner safely.

Introduce fire triangle, and elicit from children thoseelements that are needed for a fire to exist, noting that itrequires Oxygen (not just air), heat and a fuel. Discuss the sortof fuels which are commonly used (normally fossil fuels), focussingon natural gas used in lab gas taps.

Demonstrate use of Bunsenburner, noting that different use of air hole produces differentflame; make explicit the link between air flow and flame heat (i.e.more Oxygen is consumed, giving off more energy)

Children can use varyingflames to heat water, perhaps working in groups of pairs, with eachpair using a different flame. Measure temperature rise over a shortperiod to compare temperature increase.

Equipment x 16:
Bunsen burner

Heatproof mat






H&S:Use of goggles, aprons, etc. Risk of burning discuss safety precautions before starting.


Sc4/5a, Sc4/5e



KP3, KP4




All should recognise that several elements are required toallow fire to burn, including heat & Oxygen.

Children should produce agraph showing the comparative effect of heating with differentflames.

Most will recognise thatopening the air hole on a Bunsen makes a hotter flame because moreOxygen is used.





A4: Particle Theory

  To classify materials as solids, liquids or gases & torecognise that some are difficult to classify.

  To know that solids, liquids & gases are made up of tinyparticles.

  To know that the differences between solids, liquids &gases can be explained in terms of the proximity & motion of theirparticles.

In small groups consider a number of common objects. Decideif solid, liquid or gas. Include difficult to classifymaterials.

Consider properties whichmight help - runny, hard, can be poured, can be stirred, easilysquashed, takes shape of container it is in etc.

Use drama/role-play todemonstrate the context of particle theory.

Demonstrate practicalitiesof particle theory, e.g. squeezing syringe filled with gas, liquid& solid.

Emphasise that particletheory is a key scientific idea which will be relevant to much oftheir work over coming weeks, and in other units.


Homework: tasksheet 7G what happens when ice melts?

Syringes filled with air, water & plasticine, with endsblocked


LAT sheet 7G x 32

(NB: there are twoversions of the sheet: level 3-5 and 5-7)


Sc3/1a, Sc3/1b,



KC1, C1



P1, P2, P3

All will recognise that all matter is made up of particles.They will identify that objects can be classified as solid, liquidor gas.

Most will understand the significance of particlearrangement when classifying objects, and will be able to describethe nature of particle arrangement in three states, e.g. ice,water, vapour.





A5: Particle phenomena

  To apply a model to new phenomena to explainbehaviour

  To recognize that the movement of particles createspressure on a surface

Review understanding of particle theory in 3 states, e.g.roleplay in groups of 8 respond by organising themselves in anappropriate arrangement according to state named by teacher.


Show syringes again, and get children to explain why thethree react differently to the pressure.

Use other demonstrations, e.g. dropping coloured liquidinto water (diffusion), or heating a plastic bottle under hotwater, and then collapsing it under cold water. Children to explainin their books what they saw happen, and how particle theory mightexplain it.

Syringes filled with solid, liquid, gas


Water, and coloured-water solution



2l plastic bottle, with lid.





KO1, B1



P3, P5

All will understand that behaviour of particles in matteraffects the behaviour of the object. They will be able to explainhow different particles are combined in a solution.

Most will be able to describe the behaviour of particles ina solution, and explain the behaviour of particles in a containerwhen heated and cooled.

Some will recognise that the movement of gas particlescreates pressure on a surface.





A6: Saturated Solutions


  To know that when a solid is added to a liquid, eventuallyno more will dissolve

  To know that different masses of different solids dissolvein the same volume of a particular solvent

Two solids salt, potassium nitrate. Children find outwhether there is a limit to how much will dissolve in water at roomtemp. Different groups to use different volumes of solvent (50 or100ml). Weigh groups beaker before/ after dissolving to findamount dissolved. Ensure groups find how much of somethingdissolves, not how fast.

Bring together results forsame solid & look for patterns in these.

Discuss solids dissolvingin solvents other than water e.g. sugar in milk. Demonstratedissolving in ethanol if time permits.

Discuss why the pattern may be evident, referring to sizeof particles.


Potassium nitrate


Stirring rods.

Ethanol (safety- highly flammable)


H&S: Only teacher to use ethanol.


Sc3/1g, Sc3/2a,Sc3/2b



KP3, B1



S4. S5. S6, P8, P10

All will recognise that solutions become saturated at apoint where no more solute can be dissolved.

Most will recognise that the arrangement of particles in asaturated solution means that solutes cannot be dissolved anyfurther. They will recognise that the mass of the two substances isconserved.

Some will recognise the significance of particle size inboth solvent and solute in determining saturation point.

