Name | year 1 patterned stories |
Owner | teachersh |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | narrative |
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File 1 | 83_patterned stories.doc |
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Literacyplanner Class: 1H/1P Week Beginning:12/11/07 Unit Narrative 2 Patterned stories + othercultures
Phase1 Learning outcomes Chncan recognise language patterns and repeated words and phrases in atext and discuss their effect on the reader
Phase2 Learning outcomes
Chn can writetheir own sentences based on patterned language from a familaiartext. Phase3 Learning outcomes
Chn can work aspart of a group, taking turnssharing ideas, listening to others andreporting their findings.
Phase 4 Learningoutcomes Chn can writesimple sentences using patterned language, words andiesphrasestaken from familiar stories
| S&L
Talk partners Role play Conscience alley Stick puppets
| ICT IWB file Fast phonics first
TEXTS Mrs Wishy Washy Dear Zoo
DAY | Sharedread/write | Guided andIndependent tasks/activities. High abilityMiddle Ability Lowability | Plenary | ||||||||||||||||
| WALT Recognise language patternsand repeated words Discuss the chn favourite stories that wehave read so far this year point out / elicit that lots of thesehave joining in bits . How do we know what to say repeated patternsand words. Read Mrs Wishy washy what do the chnnotice and can they say some of the parts that repeat? Demo how to highlight repeatedparts
| Chn to read text of story can they highlight inyellow parts that repeat pink parts that do not. Add illustrations to show they have comprehendedthe text Ext GR box of patterned texts | Chn to read text of story can they highlight inyellow parts that repeat pink parts that do not. Add illustrations to show they have comprehendedthe text Ext GR box of patterned texts | TARead story individually and then with partner add illustrations toshow they have comprehended the text Ext GR box of patterned texts | TDecode some of the words from the story using words on flash cards.Then retell story using texts as a group. | TA(intro) decode some of the words from the story using words onflash cards. Then retell story using texts as a group. | Elicit from the if they found it easy and funwhich features helped with that?
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Success criteria and evaluation I can use a clear talking voice I can explain which parts of the story arerepeated
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| WALT Recognise language patternsand repeated words Cover up the repeated words oh lovely mudand wishwashy in the text. Read the story can the chn remember whatthe hidden words are?
| Use role play/ stick puppets to retellstory TAto ensure turn taking and clear voices. | TUse stick puppets of characters to retell story .Work as a grouptaking turns | Conscience alley One half Mrs wishy washy/other naughtyanimals Duck walks through listening to other s pointsof view. | |||||||||||||||
Success criteria and evaluation I can use a clear talking voice I can explain which parts of the story arerepeated
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| WALT Read write and spell words with thephoneme Intro using fast phonics first | Children to read 5 main long vowel graphemeswords with partner then use in simple sentences ensuring checkagainst whole school target | Children to read Children to read wordswith partner then use in simple sentences ensuring check againstwhole school target | TRead and sort words with 5 main long vowels with partner thensort and stick onto chart by medial vowels. | TARead and sort words with 5 short vowels with partner then sortand stick onto chart by medial vowels. | Use sat pin md to make and then writewords | Play game on FPF | ||||||||||||
Success criteria and evaluation I can read segment and write words with thephoneme ..
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| WALT Write our own sentence based on thestory Reread story can the chn find the doing wordsverbs. Use talk partners to brainstorm alternative doing words foranimal actions
| Write three new sentences replacing verb withown ideas. Ensure chn check work againdt class target andreally concentrate on punctuation and presentation | Write three new sentences replacing verb withown ideas. Ensure chn check work againdt class target andreally concentrate on punctuation and presentation | TAWriting frame chn to complete sentence in went the cow Inwent the pig etc | TA(intro)Writing frame chn to complete sentence in went thecow Inwent the pig etc | TUse the words in went the pig etc cut up to make own sentence andstick in book repeat | Top two groups to share their sentences use on efor eg of what makes a good one for WW | ||||||||||||
Success criteria and evaluation I can write in sentences and use a fullstop I can sound out my words to spell forwriting
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| WALT Write our own sentences based on thestory. Show the chn the zigzagbook format and explain how we will write carefully in the books sowe can share them with the younger chn. Model writing thestory.
| T Make own book based on story | TAMake own book based on story
| TAintro Complete own book using simple repeated format:In went the x3in the tub Wishy washy The . Ran off x3 | Zig zag book it is a pig it is a cow it is aduck etc | Zig zag book it is a pig it is a cow it is aduck etc | Chn toshow work to partner give three stars anda wish (model first) | ||||||||||||
Success criteria and evaluation I can write in sentences and use a fullstop I can sound out my words to spell forwriting
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DAY | Sharedread/write | Guided andIndependent tasks/activities. High abilityMiddle Ability Lowability | Plenary | ||||||||||
| WALT work with a partner to shareideas Read Dear Zoo what do the chn notice andcan they say some of the parts that repeat? Demo how to highlightrepeated parts
| With partner chn to read text of story can theyhighlight in yellow parts that repeat pink parts that donot. Add illustrations to show they have comprehendedthe text Ext GR box of patterned texts | Chn to read text of story can they highlight inyellow parts that repeat pink parts that do not. Add illustrations to show they have comprehendedthe text Ext GR box of patterned texts | Chn to read text of story can they highlight inyellow parts that repeat pink parts that do not. Add illustrations to show they have comprehendedthe text Ext GR box of patterned texts | TAChn to read text of story can they highlight in yellow parts thatrepeat pink parts that do not. Add illustrations to show they have comprehendedthe text Ext GR box of patterned texts | TDecode some of the words from the story using words on flash cards.Then retell story using texts as a group | Take feedback on what makes a good partner andhear what chn have to say about partners | ||||||
Success criteria and evaluation I can take turns I can listen to my partner I can speak in a clear voice
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| WALT Read key and tricky words Use pp to read hf words. Do we sound all ofthem, bits of them look at the shape. Why are they tricky?
| Selection of tricky words for chn to read andmake into simple sentences | Tconsolidate the and went in simple sentences/captions | TAconsolidate I am eg I am big I am sad etc | Play tricky word game IWB | ||||||||
Success criteria and evaluation I can read and spell my tricky words
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| WALT Read write and spell words with the phoneme Intro using fast phonics first | Children to read ..words with partner then usein simple sentences ensuring check against whole schooltarget | Children to read . words with partner thenuse in simple sentences ensuring check against whole schooltarget | TRead and sort words with 5 main long vowels with partner thensort and stick onto chart by medial vowels. | TARead and sort words with 5 short vowels with partner then sortand stick onto chart by medial vowels. | Use sat pin md to make and then writewords | Play game on FPF | ||||||
Success criteria and evaluation I can read spell and write words with thephoneme | |||||||||||||
| WALT:Write sentences Gather potential ideas for a different settingfor the story Dear Zoo list on ww Model how to apply that setting to characters egwith farm setting elicit from the chn what a farm wouldsend. | TAUse writing frame to adapt own ideas 1st draft | TUse writing frame to adapt own ideas 1st draft | Use writing frame The farm sent me a .He wastoo.I sent him back | Use writing frame The farm sent me a .He wastoo.I sent him back | Match cvc words to animal pictures. | Use green pencil to feedback on as many HAstories as possible. | ||||||
Success criteria and evaluation
See marking ladder | |||||||||||||
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| WALT Write sentences
| Redraft and publish stories | Repeat format from day before with differentanimals | Animal cvc words to read and write | Share wmag one | ||||||||
Success criteria and evaluation
See marking ladder | |||||||||||||