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NameInformation Report
File 130_Information Texts NF Unit 4.doc
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Class Year group


Yeargroup: 1

Term:Autumn2nd 2007

Teachers:Miss Lucas


New FrameworkObjectives

Most children learnto: (The following listcomprises only the objectives that are relevant tothis particular unit.) 

These are inaddition to the Objectives listed below.


These are inaddition to the Objectives listed below.


2.Listening andresponding

  Listen withsustained concentration, building new stores of words in differentcontexts

  Listen to tapes orvideo and express views about how a story or information has beenpresented

3. Groupdiscussion and interaction

  Askand answer questions, make relevant contributions, offersuggestions and take turns

5. Wordrecognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling)

  Recognise and usealternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes already taught

  Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught

  Identify theconstituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words tosupport the application of phonic knowledge and skills

  Recogniseautomatically an increasing number of familiar high frequencywords

  Apply phonicknowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spellingunfamiliar words that are not completely decodable

  Readmore challenging texts which can be decoded using their acquiredphonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition ofhigh frequency words

  Readand spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords

6. Word structureand spelling

  Spell new wordsusing phonics as the prime approach

  Segment soundsinto their constituent phonemes in order to spell themcorrectly

  Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes already taught

  Useknowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly,-er

  Readand spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords

7. Understandingand interpreting texts

  Makepredictions showing an understanding of ideas, events andcharacters

  Recognise the mainevents that shape different texts

8. Engaging withand responding to texts

  Select books forpersonal reading and give reasons for choices

9. Creating andshaping texts

  Independentlychoose what to write about, plan and follow it through

  Convey informationand ideas in simple non-narrative forms

  Findand use new and interesting words and phrases, including storylanguage

  Create shortsimple texts on paper and on screen that combine words with images(and sounds)

10. Text structureand organisation

  Writechronological and non-chronological texts using simplestructures

  Group writtensentences together in chunks of meaning or subject

11. Sentencestructure and punctuation

  Usecapital letters and full stops when punctuating simplesentences

  Compose and writesimple sentences independently to communicate meaning


  Write mostletters, correctly formed and orientated using a comfortable andefficient pencil grip

  Write with spacesbetween words accurately



Overview(4 weeks or 2 x 2weeks)


  Playgames looking up interesting words in dictionaries andencyclopaedias by alphabetical order. Discuss how to find booksthat might give more detail on a topic by examining covers, title,blurb and illustrations.

  Givethe children further experience in using the alphabetical system bycontinuing to use dictionaries, glossaries and encyclopaedias andstarting to use directories and indexes in books. With thechildren, make a class dictionary or glossary of special interestwords.

  Discussthe differences between books containing stories and thosecontaining factual information. Introduce the terms 'fiction' and'non-fiction'. Introduce the class topic (e.g. video, visit out ofschool, visitor to school, practical activity) and write up aschildren contribute the information they found out. Record theinformation as a list, chart or spidergram, as appropriate. Discusswhat information on the topic the experience did not provide andmodel posing questions to collect further information from books.Children search for appropriate books based on cover, title, etc.,and explain to the class the reasons for their choices. Model howto use the contents page and index to locate the appropriate partof the book to find answers and give children the opportunity inguided reading to use indexes and contents pages. Demonstrate howto scan a page to read subheadings, pictures and diagrams thatmight provide relevant information and then close reading toextract the information. Repeat this process using an ICT platformand demonstrate how to locate information on screen. Give childrenopportunities to carry out these processes in guided andindependent reading.

  Inshared writing, model how to write a non-chronological reportsupported by appropriate pictures and diagrams for a page in aninformation book. Children contribute to the report by trying outsome sentences on their individual whiteboards.

  Inpairs, children assemble information on a different subject, forexample food or pets, and produce a simple non-chronological reportby writing sentences to describe aspects of the subject andsupporting them with pictures.




Paramedics I canuse effective words in my writing to describe people, places orevents.

Lollipop People I can try to join several words together to put my ideas into asentence. I can try to use capital letters

Police Officers I can try to join several words together to put my ideas into asentence. I can try to use capital letters and full stops toseparate my ideas.

Fire Fighters Ican think about when I am using a new idea and put in a fullstop. I can check to see if someone else can read most of mywriting without my help.

Dentists I canchoose the words I need and write simple sentences. I can soundout short words when I am writing.



Write a page foran information book about a well-known subject (marking againstagreed success criteria)






Whole classread/write

Whole classword/sentence



Independent tasks/ Differentiation





WALT understandthe differences between fiction and non fiction texts.

WALT identifyspecial features of non fiction texts.


Walkthrough thebook and discuss differences between fiction and non fiction. Whatspecial features are the class aware of? Index, glossary, contentspage?

Hand each paira non fiction book and ask them to locate the key features andshow me.


AnimalGlossary (tippex title, SEN book pg. 107).

Miss Hampson GuidedReading with Paramedics ext make Transport book if timeallows.


Miss Lucas AnimalGlossary Fire Fighters

Mrs Pendlebury Dentists- Animal Glossary



Simplfy and shortenthe descriptions for the Dentists. Include as many decodable wordsas possible to encourage independent reading.

Order the pages forthe glossary alphabetically. (Enlarge pg 107).



Phase One

WALT understandthe differences between fiction and non fiction texts.

WALT identifyspecial features of non fiction texts.


Show the children amodern toy along with its description. Decode the text usingphonics and check for comprehension. Highlight any special wordsand introduce the idea of technical vocabulary.

Miss Lucas Police

SEN bk pg. 87 NonFiction Detectives.

Miss Banks LollipopGuided Reading


Paramedics PCM 40(WH Smith) add own ideas too.

Check the work of thedetectives are they correct?


Phase One

WALT writequestions.

WALT use phonics towrite words.

WALT read long vowelsounds in words.


Cut up sections fromthe description used on Tuesday. Show a table with headingsQuestion and Answer. Show example. Use the remaining nonfiction sentences to generate questions eg. What is it made from?What is it used for?

Miss Lucas


Look at some of theold toys and generate questions using question wordsprovided.


Miss Magee PoliceOfficers

Sort a set ofquestions and answers depending on whether they are telling orasking

Miss Marshall Phonics Caterpillars using ee sound.


Mrs Corfield Phonics dice, throw dice and take all have to write a wordbeginning with that sound. Anyone who does so correctly takes acube. Limit to 2 or 3 dice.



Whole class sortingof questions and answers telling or asking.


Generate a list ofquestion words for display.



Straight afterplaytime

Phase One

WALT identifyand use special features of non fiction texts.


Contents page workin pairs to find the contents page in a book. Use quick firequestions and show me to identify page numbers in response toquestions such as Where would I find out about .?


Explain actvitiy forParamedics WILF suitable topics for each page, accurate numbers,accurate phonetic spelling for each page.

Miss Lucas

Fire Fighters


Mrs Corfield


Make little book onTransport (SEN book pg. 89)



Make a little book onChristmas decide on own pages using blank copy as per othergroups. Make sure pages are appropriate for the theme.


Dentists seephonics planning for work with Mrs. Fahey.

Practise readingquestion words particularly focussing on those beginning with thephoneme wh.



Phase One

WALT identify anduse a glossary.

WALT usealphabetical order to locate information in a glossary.


Order letters of thealphabet using letter names assess which children know these andthe order! Match objects to letters and link to knowledge aboutsounds. Look at the glossary page in the book what do we notice?Elicit that it goes in alphabetical order. How can this help us tofind what we need? Quickly? Perhaps learn / sing an alphabetsong.

Miss Lucas FireFighters Look at photographs from the Transport book. Write acaption for each one. Use lines to support ch read sentencesaloud first then one word on each line.


Miss Hampson GuidedReading with Paramedics.


Mrs Pendlebury Labelling photographs using simple format : This is a..

Children hold upletters swap around until they are in alphabetical order.



Phase Two

WALT identify thekey features of an information text (title, paragraphs, technicallanguage)

Tell the childrenthat we will be making a list of what makes a good informationreport. Introduce the idea of success criteria. Possibly AnInformation Report should have Use the posters from JW tooutline to purposes of an Info Report too.


Use the Toys bookand highlight features title, photographs. Look at a further nonfiction book and highlight diagrams, index, glossary, contentspage.

Miss Lucas

Police Officers Construct an information page from jumbled pictures, words etc.Relate to SC.


Miss Banks - GuidedReading Lollipop Group. If time allows make little book onTransport theme using contents page.

Paramedics PCM59 (WHSmith)

Writing own successcriteria for Information writing.

Display the SC andencourage ch to refer to it.



Phase Two

WALT identify thekey features are of an information text within the layout and alsothe words.


Use an extract ofwriting from one of the NF books. Highlight the use of paragraphsto split the information up into sections goes on a new line eachtime etc. Talk about use of special / technical words andhighlight.


Compare with a storyand talk about not using I or we or story language.


Look at the way thetext is structured: first a definition, followed by description andconclusion. Find an example.


Add all features tothe Success Criteria.

Miss Lucas Paramedics

Use highlighter pensto find examples of features related to SC. Look for: technicallanguage, impersonal, paragraphs, titles, photographs, definition,description and conclusion.


Miss Magee LollipopPatrol

Sorting sentencesfrom fiction and non fiction linked to Fridays whole classwork.

Fire Fighters



Use an enlarged textand highlight the three main components of information writing definition, description, conclusion.



Phase Two

WALT choose anappropriate writing style for information writing.


Show a range ofprepared sentences consisting of story type sentences and thosethat could be used in a non fiction text. Read and discuss theirfeatures particularly with reference to the success criteria.. Sortthe sentences depending on whether they are from a story / fictiontext or non fiction. Have a range of simple and more complicated tosuit all abilities. Highlight features each time which indicatestyle of writing.

Miss Lucas


Police Officers AsLollipop Patrol yesterday.

Paramedics andLollipop


Same sentences aswhole class work but with errors related to punctuation and wordorder. Link to target for Lollipop group. Re order andimprove.

Further examples ofsentences for improvement.


Early finish forrewards.





WALT choose anappropriate writing style for information writing.

WALT write sentencesusing appropriate punctuation. (refer to targets)


Use photographs oftoys the children may be having for Xmas. Explain that I dont knowwhat they are they will need to tell me. Read the questions Whatis it? What does it do? What does it look like? What is it madefrom? How does it work?


Refer to SC for firstsentence tell the reader what it is. Ch write on whiteboards. Thisis a .. Respond to final 3 sentences with beginning Itis . Read and discuss alternatives to the repetition eg. the..

Lollipop Patrol finish sentence work


Police Officers Write a non fiction sentence or two about a picture (openingsentence plus one more).


Encourage rehearsingsentence before writing. Link to targets check someone can readmy writing.

Miss Hampson

Paramedics GuidedReading


Fire Fighters

Complete work fromFriday checking sentences using helping hands.

Spot deliberatemistakes in Rubys sentences.




Keep the work fromyesterdays whole class work and read it aloud. Remind childrenwhat they learned about different sentence openers. Read theconnectives and because . Ask the chn where these could be usedin the writing? Add some connectives and highlight their use. Reread and discuss whether the sentence has improved. Displayconnectives above the Literacy working wall.

Dentists verbaldescriptions of the objects in response to the question prompts.Teacher scribe then re read.



Paramedics, Lollipops& Police (with support) G&P pg. 21 adding . and caps tosentences.





Show some non fictionsentences written by Ruby. Include some mistakes related to wholeclass focus for last few days. Ask the children to re writevarious sentences on their whiteboards with reference to the SC andimprove Rubys non fiction writing.


Whole class workthrough G&P pg. 25 See Saw. Talk about sentences in relationto helping hands.


Fire Fighters


As Dentistsyesterday.

Lollipop, Paramedics& Police


G&P pg.26.





Put questions onboard for writing non fiction piece. Remind children how to beginand refer to SC.

Remind of usingHelping Hands for checking.

Sounding outwords.

Read through all ofSC

Rules forassessment

Jim to administerwriting assessment.