Name | Fantasy Stories |
Owner | Poppychick |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Fantasy Stories |
Description | Where the Wild Things Are (1) |
File 1 | 30_Where the Wild Things Are 2 wks plan.doc |
File 2 |
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Yeargroup: 1 Term:Spring2 2008 Week:Wks 1 and 2 ofFantasy Stories unit Where the Wild ThingsAre Outcome:Compose completesentences correctly demarcated by capital letters and full stops(marking and feedback against agreed success criteria). Write ashort story with the events organised sequentially into problem andresolution (marking and feedback against agreed successcriteria).
Text:Where the Wild ThingsAre | New FrameworkOverview:
Readstories about fantasy worlds, for example imaginary lands, space,animal homes. Visualise settings, talk about what is new orunexpected and predict how characters will look and behave in thesesettings. Make links with children's experience, for example, whatwould you do if you found yourself here? Compare and contraststories with different settings and encourage children to expresspreferences. Identifythe main characters and events in a story. Children retell orallywith main events in sequence. Watcha short performance or film version of a story with a fantasysetting. Ask children to identify the key features and expressviews about, for example, how they created a sense of excitement.Children write about a significant incident from the story that wasperformed. Readseveral short stories with similar imaginary settings. Ask groupsof children to make predictions about what will happen in that typeof story and how characters will behave. They check theirpredictions by reading further stories. Createan imaginary setting and characters with the class. Explore storyideas using discussion and role-play. Record the main events for aclass story based on children's suggestions and tell the storyorally. Children then write their own version of the story, usingor adapting the class ideas. Support children in writing storieswith a clear beginning, middle and end. Each part has more than onesentence and events are sequenced logically. The stories couldinclude good and bad characters and examples of storylanguage.
New FrameworkObjectives
Most childrenlearn to: 1.Speaking Tellstories and describe incidents from their own experience in anaudible voice Retell stories,ordering events using story language 2. Listening andresponding Listen withsustained concentration, building new stores of words in differentcontexts 4.Drama Explore familiarthemes and characters through improvisation androle-play 5. Wordrecognition: decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) Recognise and usealternative ways of pronouncing the graphemes alreadytaught Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes alreadytaught Identify theconstituent parts of two-syllable and three-syllable words tosupport the application of phonic knowledge and skills Recogniseautomatically an increasing number of familiar high frequencywords Apply phonicknowledge and skills as the prime approach to reading and spellingunfamiliar words that are not completely decodable Readmore challenging texts which can be decoded using their acquiredphonic knowledge and skills, along with automatic recognition ofhigh frequency words Readand spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords 6. Word structureand spelling Spell new wordsusing phonics as the prime approach Segment soundsinto their constituent phonemes in order to spell themcorrectly Recognise and usealternative ways of spelling the graphemes alreadytaught Useknowledge of common inflections in spelling, such as plurals, -ly,-er Readand spell phonically decodable two-syllable and three-syllablewords 7. Understandingand interpreting texts Identify the mainevents and characters in stories, and find specific information insimple texts Usesyntax and context when reading for meaning 8. Engaging withand responding to texts Select books forpersonal reading and give reasons for choices Visualise andcomment on events, characters and ideas, making imaginative linksto own experiences 9. Creating andshaping texts Independentlychoose what to write about, plan and follow it through Usekey features of narrative in their own writing Create shortsimple texts on paper and on screen that combine words with images(and sounds) 10. Text structureand organisation Writechronological and non-chronological texts using simplestructures 11. Sentencestructure and punctuation Compose and writesimple sentences independently to communicate meaning
| Whole classlearning | Whole classword/sentence | Guidedlearning
| Independentlearning / differentiation | Plenary &AFL |
Mon Phase1 Day1 | Introduce trickywords from Phase Two. Tell ch they will see a word they cannotsound out / or havent learned how to sound out yet. Highlight thetricky part of each word. Ask ch if they can read words each time.Add to tricky words display and ensure children know where it isand what it will be used for. | Miss Lucas Sentence substitution Police Officers
MissHampson Tricky word bingo Fire Fighters
Swap activities tofamiliarise children with both before end of session. | Lollipop Patrol andParamedics
Writing tricky wordsin a shape. Write each one in a sentence.
Dentists -CP | Play reveal theword. Remind children of the morning activities that will relateto the tricky words. | |
Tues Phase1 Day2
| WALT respond to astory. WALT participate ingroup discussion, listening and sharing ideas.
Read and respond tostory. Talk for writing. WHS pg. 56 I am naughty when. | Miss Lucas Dentists As FireFighters
Miss Hampson FireFighters I am naughty when. Use copymaster | Paramedics &Lollipops
Independent writingin a zig zag book.
Police -CP | Askchildren for some of the things they do when they aregood! | |
Thur Phase1 Day3 | WALT write sentenceswith correct punctuation that make sense.
Show set of preparedsentences. Show sentence ch re write on their whiteboards withcorrect full stops and capital letters. Relate to large version ofhelping hands.
| Miss Lucas FireFighters
Sentence strips cutup. Copy out correct sentence. Possibly link to topic ifapplicable. | PoliceOfficers As FF butindependent
Paramedics &Lollipops Phoneme sort revisionof ee phoneme. | Evaluate again butthis time talk of Red Hot Sentences and what makes aRHS. | |
Fri Phase1 Day4
| WALT write sentencesto interest our reader.
As yesterday butchange focus from adding punctuation to use of connectives, wowwords and verbs. Introduce the idea of using the red, amber, greenkey rings to evaluate peers sentences.
Use Smartboard anddrag / drop words in appropriate places. | Paramedics &Lollipops Improve sentencesactivity using Smartboard file downloaded from TES andVCOP. | Police Officers &Fire Fighters Provide with a bankof sentences with no capital letter or full stop, they mustre-write with correct punctuation.
Dentists Specialbooks
| Evaluate sentencesimproved by P and L groups using red, amber, green keyrings. | |
Mon Phase1 Day5 | WALT composesentences independently that make sense. WALT composesentences that interest our reader.
Key words focus depends on progress last Monday.
Write a simiple storybout dreams and monsters. Draw a monster to illustrate the storyand model writing simple sentences my dream monster is naughtybut gentle. My dream monster eats chocolate cake. Talkingpartners about monster.
| Miss Lucas Police Officers play Build a sentence game.
MissHampson Dentists Copymaster49 My Dream Monster. | Paramedics &Lollipops Write full sentencesdescribing their dream monster using the modelledsentence.
| Look at the monstersin the story. Talk about favourites and describe them. | |
Tues Phase2 Day1
| WALT identify anddiscuss the main character in a story.
Shared writing of aletter to Max. Today focus on what we would like to tell Max aboutus what would he be interested in. Lots of discussion about thecharacter of Max and his interests (boy, likes wild games, party,age?)
| Miss Lucas Fire Fighters writea letter to Max.
Miss Hampson -Police Officers to write a letter to Max. | Dentists Key word activitybased on Mondays work.
Paramedics &Lollipops Sentence substitutionLetters & Sounds. | Play whole classsentence substitution using whiteboards. | |
Thurs Phase2 Day2
| WALT identify anddiscuss the main character in a story.
Read a letter to Maxthat somebody has written. Hot seat one of the children pretendingto be Max and respond to the questions in the letter. Share a rangeof questions for group activity.
| Miss Lucas LollipopPatrol Answer questions inrole as Max. | Fire Fighters &Dentists
Write adjectives todescribe characters. Create zig zag book with a range of monsters,princesses etc.
PoliceOfficers As Lollipop Patrolbut simplify sentences. | Categorise statementsspoken by a familiar character eg. gruffalo, Bernard, Handa, Maxetc. |
Mon Phase2 Day3
| WALT identify anddiscuss story settings. WALT describe storysetting using a range of vocabulary.
Use the pictureopposite the text that reads and grew until his ceiling hung withvines.. Discuss the illustration. What can Max see? Share ideas,focusing on really good vocabulary- phrases and words. Encourageuse of similes by showing a few examples
| Work in Mixed abilitypairs to annotate own illustration from the text. Miss Lucas Dentists Write sentences todescribe the picture. Relates to IEP group target. | Act: Create classcollection of favourite phrases (WOW words).
| |
Tues Phase2 Day4
| WALT discusscharacters and story settings
Show thepicture of Max on the wild things shoulder. Talk about how Max isfeeling. Write thought bubbles for this picture using TalkingPartners. | Paramedics
Write thought bubblesand speech bubbles for a page in the story. | Fire Fighters &Police Officers
Key word writing in ashape.
Sentence buildinggame.
Dentists -CP | Write thought bubbleon IWBs for beginning and end of story. |
Thurs Phase2 Day5 | WALT discussthe parts of a story eg. problem and solution.
Read textthrough complete chart from pg 57 WH Smith book. Sit class incircle and use a ball to roll from child to child. First,,,,,then,,,, next, ,,,, soon, ,,,,,after that,,,,, finally Retellthe story. Show enlargeversion of CM50 and demonstrate how to complete. | Police Officers complete with adult support | Paramedics &Lollipops complete independently
Dentists and FireFigthers draw three key scenes in order on worksheet. | Share and evaluateeach others work to see whether sequenced correctly. |