Name | Highwayman planning |
Owner | chelsey |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | narrative |
Description | 3 weeks planned from New Framework Additional text based plans |
File 1 | 31_3weeks Highwayman.doc |
File 2 |
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Week commencing 28thJan 2008 | YEAR GROUP: 5 SEN/EALSupport:
| Focus: NarrativePoetry (week 1 of 3) Texts: TheHighwayman | |||
| Sentence/Word Level TextLevel | Independent
| Plenary | SuccessCriteria | KeyWords |
| TEXT O to deduce information about a character from visualtext A Talk to chnabout what information they can gain from pictures on the frontcover of books
Show chn pictureof Highwayman what can they tell about the character from theillustration, who this person might b and what he might be like.Scribe some ideas on board remind chn to back up with evidencefound in illustration show example | O to deduce information about a character from visualtext A In threes, chnto have own copy of illustration and to put down as many ideas asthey can chn to back up with evidence from picture.
Feedback in smallgroups, then as a whole class
| Talk about what aHighwayman was, refer back to Robin Hood and talk aboutsimilarities highwaymen concentrated on rich, became popularheroes use web link for further information | I can talk about acharacter using information in a picture offer my ownopinions about a character from a picture use evidence tosupport my opinions | highwayman narrativepoem
| TEXT O to make notes from listening to a story A Introduce chnto The Highwayman, explain that it is a poem that tells the storyinvolving a highwayman. They will need to listen carefully as thepoem is read, as it uses a lot of old-fashioned language. Readthe poem to the class and then chn talk with partner about whatthey have found out about the story.
Make notes onboard about character and story | O to respond to a text A In mixedability groups, chn to complete response grid after listening topoem a second time | Discuss responsesand questions | I can give my opinionabout a text support my opinionwith evidence ask and answerquestions about a text |
| TEXT O to visualise a scene and respond to itpictorially A Re-read justthe first three lines of the poem, ask chn to close eyes andvisualise the setting as you read it again. Talk about thelanguage and the kid of pictures it created for them | O to visualise a scene and respond to itpictorially AIn mixed abilitypairs, chn to choose one of the first three lines and illustrate itusing coloured pencils when finished picture chn to add in linefrom poem | Chn to read linetogether and show picture. Talk to class about the kind of moodwords create at the beginning of the poem and did every onespicture look the same why not? | I can visualise a scenefrom a text draw my ownrepresentation of that scene explain myreasoning |
| TEXT O to identify key events in a story A Re-cap overstory of poem. Use Animated version of story pausing for chn toannotate notes on own copy of main points as they go through eachverse | O to identify key events in a story A chn tostoryboard key events from poem using notes made on owncopies | Chn to choose theparts that they think are the most powerful, why did they thinkthis | I can identify keyevents in a story sequence the keyevents correctly |
| SENTENCE/WORD O to recognise similes and metaphors A see if any chnremember the definitions or can give examples of similes ormetaphors show examples of metaphors and similes in poem | O to recognise similes and metaphors A chn to gothrough the poem and find 5 similes and 5 metaphors and annotate intheir own copies | Go through similesand metaphors chn found | I can recognise similesand metaphors find examples ofsimiles and metaphors | similes metaphors
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Week commencing 4thFeb 2008 | YEAR GROUP: 5 SEN/EALSupport:
| Focus: NarrativePoetry (week 2 of 3) Texts: TheHighwayman | |||||||||||
| Sentence/Word Level TextLevel | Independent
| Plenary | SuccessCriteria | KeyWords | ||||||||
| TEXT O to identify key events in a story A Show video ofHighwayman and remind chn of key events Recap the scenewhere Bess is tied to the bed, with the gun by her side. with Timthe Ostler and the soldiers. Chn are going to create a freezeframe and then, character by character the freeze frame will cometo life and each character will voice their feelings | O to use drama to explore charactersfeelings A freeze frameactivity select different children to come alive and talkabout their feelings as their character | Role on the wall Highwayman, Bess, Tim, soldiers chn to have A3 sheets with picsof each at centre. Each group to write at least one sentence togive what they think might be the reasons he or she behaved as theydid then move paper around room so that each group gets a chanceto write about each character | I can explorecharacters feelings voice thosefeelings think about thereasons behind characters actions | highwayman narrativepoem
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| TEXT O to think from a characters viewpoint A discussyesterdays activity and what chn thought about the differentcharacters feelings at that point in the story. Chn to work withpartners and think about what they might ask Bess,Tim or theHighwayman, and how this character might reply about what happenedand why they behaved as they did chn to scribe questions on wbdsto use during main session | O to think from a characters viewpoint A modelhotseating as a character yourself, then get chn to come andhotseat as different characters others ask questions writtenearlier |
| I can explorecharacters feelings voice thosefeelings think about thereasons behind characters actions |
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| TEXT O to tell a story from a charactersperspective A using a copy ofthe story map to remind chn of key events model telling theopening of the story as told from the Highwaymans point of view.Invite chn to continue as their own choice of character | O to tell a story from a charactersperspective AIn mixed abilitypairs, chn to choose a character, find someone with a differentcharacter and each re-tell the story from their point of view encourage chn to draw on previous activities, thinking aboutcharacters feelings and reasons behind actions. | Invite chn tore-tell story in character | I can re-tell a storyfrom the point of view of a character show anunderstanding of a characters feelings include thereasons behind a characters actions |
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| TEXT O to write a story from a charactersperspective A Tell chn theywill be writing the story of the Highwayman from the point view ofone of the characters, encourage chn to use one of the charactersthey have used during the drama activities during the week. Modelscribing the first line then take ideas from class about how tocontinue remind chn to include feelings and reasons foractions | O to write a story from a charactersperspective A Chn to writeown version of story from their chosen charactersperspective | With a partner,read through each others stories give ideas of how toimprove | I can use the firstperson write as acharacter show thatcharacters feelings and thoughts |
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| TEXT O to perform own work A talk about howto read a story aloud using expression, movement, eye contactwith audience demo how to read a story with expression andmovement etc | O to perform own work A in groups eachchild to read writing from yesterday and chn to evaluateperformances | Chn to say thingsthat they heard that particularly impressed them | I can read my own workwith expression use dramatictechniques to hold the audiences attention |
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Week commencing 11th Feb 2008 |
| Focus: NarrativePoetry (week 3 of 3) Texts: TheHighwayman | |||||||||||
| Sentence/Word Level TextLevel | Independent
| Plenary | SuccessCriteria | KeyWords | ||||||||
| TEXT O to identify features of a recount A A recountre-tell a past event, aim to interest, amuse or entertain thereader
go throughfeatures of recounts on w/bd
Model being radionews reporter and reporting on the events at the inn lastnight. | O to recount a fictional event A in groups of 3or 4, chn to give a live news broadcast about the events at theinn, use chn to interview as witnesses. | Listen to some ofthe interviews audience to mark on fingers out of 5 how well theyscored against success criteria | I can recount anevent use the pasttense report events inchronological order use timeconnectives | highwayman narrativepoem recount chronological
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| TEXT O to revise features of a recount A re-cap overfeatures from yesterday and talk about the good points seen inrecounts in plenary.
Model writingrecount (newspaper report) | O to write a recount of a fictional event A Chn to writeown recount of events at Inn | Partners read eachothers reports, feedback on things that were done well | I can write arecount use the pasttense recount events inchronological order use timeconnectives |
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| TEXT O to explore dramatic effect in language A Read the firsttwo verses of poem out loud together and talk about the way it iswritten look at pattern of lines, repetition, rhyme. Talk abouthow this poem could be performed some people reading a linealone, in pairs, as a group | O to plan a performance of a poem AIn mixed abilitygroups, give each group three verses each (that leaves last versewhich can be said as a class), groups to decide how they willperform their verses, say some of the lines individually, in pairsand in a group. Plan who is saying what and rehearse prepare fora performance tomorrow. | Talk to chn aboutdecisions they made why they made them, what do they need to workon ready to perform tomorrow? | I can plan how toperform a poem work in agroup
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| TEXT O to use dramatic effect in performing apoem A How could weimprove our performances add in actions and sound effects? Whatwould be sensible to add in and where?
Groups tobrainstorm and come up with suggestions | O to rehearse and perform a poem A give chn sometime to rehearse and improve performances then perform the poemas a class | What did chn enjoyabout this, what do they think the succeeded in, how could theyimprove? | I can perform a poem aspart of a group improve aperformance evaluate aperformance |
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| TEXT O to experiment with writing in the form of a narrativepoem A introduce theidea of writing an additional verse to the poem, the ghosts of Bessand the highwayman. Mindmap ideas of what could happen in the nextverse of the poem. Start the verse with a line from the poem Over the cobbles he clattered chn to work with a partner andwrite next line on a whiteboard. Encourage chn to use own ideas,but to keep to the style and rhythm of the original. | O to experiment with writing in the form of a narrativepoem A Chn to writeown lines for an additional verse of the poem remind chn to usetheir own ideas but they need to keep to the structure of thepoem
Swap with apartner, they make comments, then swap back and see if you canimprove in light of comments made. | Read last verse oforiginal poem then choose children to read their verse | I can write my own versefor a narrative poem follow thestructure of a poem use my ownideas use appropriatevocabulary |
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