Name | Block A - Unit 2 - year 6 swp |
Owner | Juliateacher |
Level | 6 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | A2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 5_Block A - Unit 2 - year 6 swp.doc |
File 2 |
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Block A:2 YEAR 6 | Term 1 Unit 1 | Term2 Unit 2
| Term 3 Unit 3
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Explainreasoning and conclusions, using words, symbols or diagrams asappropriate Findthe difference between a positive and a negative integer, or twonegative integers, in context Usedecimal notation for tenths, hundredths and thousandths; partition,round and order decimals with up to three places, and position themon the number line Useknowledge of place value and multiplication facts to 10 Calculatementally with integers and decimals: U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U Use acalculator to solve problems involving multi-stepcalculations Useapproximations, inverse operations and tests of divisibility toestimate and check results Use arange of oral techniques to present persuasive argument
| Explain reasoning and conclusions, using words, symbols or diagramsas appropriate Solve multi-step problems, and problems involving fractions,decimals and percentages; choose and use appropriate calculationstrategies at each stage, including calculator use Use decimal notation for tenths, hundredths and thousandths;partition, round and order decimals with up to three places, andposition them on the number lin Use knowledge of place value and multiplication facts to 10 10 toderive related multiplication and division facts involving decimals(e.g. 0.8 7, 4.8 6) Calculate mentally with integers and decimals: U.t U.t, TU U,TU U, U.t U, U.t U Use efficient written methods to add and subtract integers anddecimals, to multiply and divide integers and decimals by aone-digit integer, and to multiply two-digit and three-digitintegers by a two-digit integer Use a calculator to solve problems involving multi-stepcalculations Use approximations, inverse operations and tests of divisibility toestimate and check results Participate in a whole-class debate using the conventions andlanguage of debate |
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Key Aspects forLearning Focus for theblock
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PreviousLearning | Objectives/ICan Statements | Assessment forLearning |
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explainreasoning using text, diagrams and symbols solveone- and two-step problems involving whole numbers and decimals andall four operations, choosing and using appropriate calculationstrategies orderpositive and negative numbers in context explainwhat each digit represents in whole numbers and decimals with up totwo places, and partition, round and order these numbers multiplyand divide whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 or 1000; multiplypairs of multiples of 10 and 100 and derive corresponding divisionfacts usemental methods to find sums, differences, doubles and halves ofdecimals (e.g. 6.5 2.7, halve 5.6, double 0.34), to multiply atwo-digit by a one-digit number, to multiply by 25 and to subtractone near multiple of 1000 from another (e.g. 6070 -4097) useefficient written methods to add and subtract whole numbers anddecimals with up to two places, to multiply HTU U, TU TU andU.t U, and to divide HTU U use acalculator to solve problems, interpreting the displaycorrectly userounding and inverse operations to estimate and checkcalculations
| Explainreasoning and conclusions, using words, symbols or diagrams asappropriate | Iam thinking of a number. If you add 3 to my number and thenmultiply the result by 5, the answer is 35. What is my number? Showme how you worked it out. |
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Solvemulti-step problems, and problems involving fractions, decimals andpercentages; choose and use appropriate calculation strategies ateach stage, including calculator use | Howdo you know whether you need to add, subtract, multiply or divide?What clues do you look for? |
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Usedecimal notation for tenths, hundredths and thousandths; partition,round and order decimals with up to three places, and position themon the number line | Thedistance to the park is 5 km when rounded to the nearest kilometre.What is the greatest/least distance it could be? How would you givesomebody instructions to round distances to the nearestkilometre? |
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Useknowledge of place value and multiplication facts to 10 10 toderive related multiplication and division facts involving decimals(e.g. 0.8 7, 4.8 6) | Youknow that 42 6 = 7. What other division and multiplication factscan you derive from this? |
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Calculatementally with integers and decimals: U.t U.t, TU U, TU U, U.t U, U.t U | Theanswer is 18.6. What is the question? |
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Useefficient written methods to add and subtract integers anddecimals, to multiply and divide integers and decimals by aone-digit integer, and to multiply two-digit and three-digitintegers by a two-digit integer | Lookat these long-multiplication calculations. They have mistakes inthem. Tell me what is wrong with each calculation. How should it becorrected? |
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Use acalculator to solve problems involving multi-step calculations | My calculator shows:Myquestion was about money. Complete this: |
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Useapproximations, inverse operations and tests of divisibility toestimate and check results | Whatwould be the best approximation to work out 4.4 18.6? Give yourreasons. |
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Participatein a whole-class debate using the conventions and language ofdebate
| Debatewith the class the advantages and disadvantages of differentmethods of multiplying 23 by 16. |
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Activities | |
Activity83 - Albert Square |
Objectives for Springboardintervention unit | Springboardunit |
Identifyand use appropriate operations (including combinations ofoperations) to solve word problems | Springboard 6 Unit5 (PDF 1.4MB) |
Diagnostic focus | Resource |
Misuseshalf understood rules about multiplication and division by powersof ten | 1 Y6/ |
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Wave 3addition and subtraction tracking childrens learningcharts
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Wave 3multiplication and division tracking children's learningcharts
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