Brenden is Teaching


NamePoetry Year 4 Summer 2 weeks
Description2 weeks planning for poetry ( cinquains, list poems etc) for Y4
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Nameof school: Class:




12th May 2008

(Week 1)


Objectiveswritten in full


  • Pupils will develop their knowledge andunderstanding of the features of a traditional haiku poem andepitaphs.
  • Pupils will develop their skills in writingtheir own poems.
  • Pupils will develop their knowledge andunderstanding of syllables.
  • Pupils will develop their spelling throughanalogy
  • Pupils will develop their understanding of howpoets use expressive language to create images andatmosphere.
  • Pupils will develop their skills in performingpoetry.






Wholeclass shared reading or writing




Independentgroup tasks (Main Activities)


Referback to learning objectives



Introduce the topic exploring formin poetry. What is a syllable? Read traditional haikus (Lesson 1).Ask children questions about the poem which brings out the picturequality of the form. What sort of language is used? How do thelines begin? Are they effective in describing the hike? Explainthat haikus are often written with an illustration that is normallylinked to the seasons. The purpose of a haiku is to make a verbalsnapshot of something beautiful in nature Explain how language ina haiku helps bring the poem to life.

20 minutes.

Clap out the syllables of childrensnames together to ensure they understand what a syllable is. Moveon to clap the syllables of simple sentences.

Together count the syllables whichare in each line (5, 7, 5). Read other Haikus p.13. What featuresare the same in each poem? A poem with 17 syllables and three linesis a traditional Japanese poem (Haiku). Emphasise this poem doesnot have to rhyme.

Discuss the rhyming words, then askchildren for other words with same letter patterns. Can we addsuffixes to any. What does that do to the word?




10 minutes.

Children repeat & create lists of other rhymingwords in the poem that sound the same with similar letter patternsand then with different letter patterns.

Ext to add suffixes appropriatelyto their lists.





Recap on what the features of ahaiku are. Review learning of syllables by asking the children toclap the syllables of examples of childrens haikus: boys an idea of what they will be working towards.








10 minutes.



Ask children to recap on Haikus.Read p.13 tog. &

Referring to picture idea from Monwhich do they like best. Why?yester

Explain they will be writing a Haikuabout an animal/spring ?

Model their suggestions givingchildren opportunities to discuss in talking partners & improve ourHaiku


Recap on syllables.

Chdn gives examples of adjectiveswhich describe their animal.


Brainstorm these ideas on theIWB.

Explain that haikus allow forconnective words to be missed out not enough syllables. Whateffect does this have?



10 mins

Children are asked to make up ahaiku ensuring they follow the rules of 5,7,5 syllables and 3lines. Haiku must be to describe something without actually statingwhat it is. E.g. Green and speckled legs. Hops on logs and lilypads. Splash in cool water. What am I? (Frog).


LA to think of a What am I? haiku(animal) with support if necessary.

Work to include a wow wordin the poem or more complex vocabulary. Write another What am I?haiku on another topic.


Listen to examples of the haikus and getchildren to guess what is being described.

20 minutes.

Children highlight what parts theyfound most effective and why. Did the language in the poems givethem a clear picture in their mind of what was being described?Collect the poetry to make into a Class Haiku Book.




10 mins



As a class complete the ful activityto change the nouns to adjectives.

Ask boys to think of sentences tocheck & discuss spelling.

20 mins.

Use the words from Haikus and do asorting activity to consolidate Haiku structure. Pick out words tointroduce suffixes. Do boys know what they are?

Boys to quickfire examples of wordswhich can be changed by adding a suffix, others to add thesuffix

10 minutes.



Boys to complete the fulsheets.

LA with structured sheet

HA to complete unsupported sheet &then write a haiku using the words from the sheet.












Can you add ful activity (on IWB ?)which suffix should it be ?






10 minutes




Read Tomb Tomes. Ask ifthey know or have heard of an epitaph. Explain what they are Linkbrevity to Haikus so word choice is crucial. discuss keyelements.

Work as a class to construct anepitaph

30 minutes


Children to work independently on writingepitaphs. Emphasise that they will be presenting these in acollection with Haikus, so they should consider how theirs would bebest presented. The boys should choose their favourite topresent.

LA Provide support with ideas andopeners

Ext HA Ask boys to choose theirfavourite Epitaph to present and then prepare to perform. How canthey use the words they have chosen to enhance their performance?Epitaph for the old boy of their house and develop a relatedHaiku?.




20 minutes.

Boys to present their favourite tothe class & explain why they have chosen to present it - others tofeedback with 2 stars & a wish.






10 minutes.





Read a Revolting Rhyme to children.What has RD done to the traditional tale. Discuss how using afamiliar story adds to the humour.

As a class read the Nursery Epitaphs& discuss what the poet has done.

Mindmap other nursery rhymetrad.tale characters & think how they may have met theirdeath.


20 minutes.

Children think of some wow words andimagery for epitaphs. Any ful words.








5 minutes.

Boys to work through in pairs someideas for their own nursery rhyme epitaphs. Think about their wordchoice carefully and what do they want to convey about theperson?






10 minutes.


Boys write some Epitaphs using sheetindependently.

Ext write some more withoutstartes

10 minutes.

Play IWB spiderepitaph & boys to peform their own.







10 minutes.









Nameof school: LeedsGrammar School





19h May 2008

(Week 2) first lesson21st


Objectiveswritten in full


  • Pupils will develop their knowledge andunderstanding of the features of a list poem & somecinquains.
  • Pupils will develop their skills in writingtheir own poems, experimenting with different styles &structures.
  • Pupils will develop their skills of improvingtheir work.
  • Pupils will develop their knowledge &understanding of using stylistic devices to create effects.
  • Pupils will develop their skill at assessingand providing feedback in an informed way.
  • Pupils will develop their understanding of howpoets use expressive language to create images andatmosphere.




Wholeclass shared reading or writing


Independentgroup tasks (Main Activities)


Referback to learning objectives



Group work

Introduce the topic explaining wewill be looking at list poems & cinquains. Read The Door(p.26/7) as a class.

5 minutes..

Discuss: What do the boyslike/dislike. Do they notice any patterns? How does it make themfeel? (Qs)

In partners list 3 points fortheme/effects/structure Feedback & record class thoughts.


Read handbook (p50 /IWB)tog. We willbe writing as poets in stages.

Write a sentence & ask boys toimprove in pairs. Feedback for group. Read h/b ( p.52/IWB) whichstrategies had they come up with? Pat on the back. Try This! &3*&wish each others sentences. Read Beware (IWB)


Read p.53 together - Try this -discuss use of contrasting word, what effect is created?

10 minutes.

Independent work

Using the sheet ask boys to improve a list poemselecting their words carefully Boys toread examples & others to listen & feedback on effectivechanges to words/adding in or on/re-ordering/effects.

15 mins

Draw up a class poem using therevisions and read as a class - display



10 minutes.



Read The door tog. Again torecap on work yesterday incl. Structure & language.

Model writing the poem usng theboys ideas remind boys how we focussed on creating stongpictures with words yesterday.

Read h/b again tog before boys begintheir own draft & re read poem to create atmosphere.


Explain we are going to write ourown poem as a cclass & discuss possibilities. Mind-map allchildrens ideas stress the more they come up with the easier itwill be to write.


Boys to brainstorm their own poem &translate into a list poem. Nb:ending should neatly tie up .

LA work with & support to generateideas

Ext Work hard at includingpowerful adjectives & wow words.



Listen to some examples & as a class3 * & wish to think how they can be improved. Emphasise its afirst draft.



Read a poem tog. & then model how itcan be impoved encouraging boys to do so.



Ask boys to consider:

Weak lines, cutting words, strongerwords, re-ordering, poetic effects, structure.


Read h/b & ask boys to work in pairsto improve their poems using a checklist.



Listen to poems & ask boys toexplain what they have changed and why reading befire & afterversions.

Boys to feedback.





Begin with a recap on syllables names & clap some of yesterdays work.

Intorduce cinquains as a form . Readtogether. Discuss with Qs to prompt. Ask children to work in smallgroups &come up with their thoughts on thethemes/effects/structure of the cinquains.

Read tog. What is a cinquain& Improving a cinquain


Boys to use h/b to improve acinquain.

To work as a group withsupport if needed.

Ext Focus on using appropriateword & effects. Begin mind-mapping ideas for a cinquain


Boys to read & feedback


Write & improve a class cinquaintogether Read tog. & assess how we have done usingchecklist





Read class poem & othercinquains.

Talk through the process we workedthrough explaining they will be writing their own poem followingthese steps.


5 mins


Model improving when boys havecompleted drafts.




Boys mind-map ideas then write first draft usingTips for

Improve & polish in pairs after we have done soas a class, using constructive criticism.

Ext. If satisfied with work. HA toconsider Haiku, epitaph, list & cinquain. which is their preferredform & why. Choose a topic & pick the most appropriate & constructa poem in that form.


Boys complete reflection & assessmentform



Peform poems & have a discussionabout how the boys have don with the various forms we have dealtwith, the differences & how they feel they have done & theirpreferred form. Are some more appropriate for certain sunjects thanothers.
