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Namenarrative poetry
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Week: 20 Date: 21 25/2/05 Class: 5A and 5B Focus:Narrative Poetry

Week: 20 Date: 21 25/2/05Class: 5A and 5BFocus: Narrative Poetry

Learning Intentions: Mon: to recognise the commonfeatures of a narrative poem and be able to explain the story ofthree poems. Ii) (For some) to recognise adjectives, verbs andnouns.

Tue: to recognise what a pronoun is and see itsuses and function

Wed: to be able to select a narrative poem andrewrite it as a story

Thu: to use what they know of a narrative poem tocut and paste it into the right order.

Fri: to know what onomatopoeia is and to use itin a short poem. Ii) To be able to perform a short poem containingonomatopoeic words.



Shared reading/shared writing

Focused teaching









See spelling listweek 20



Usepoem Children with adults to introduce the style of a narrativepoem. Discuss the story and what the author is trying to tellus.

Make clear that a narrative poem tells us astory. Examine the other poems on the page.

Work with More Able on the three poems on page2.


Able to have page 1 of the poems and discusswith a partner the features and to write a brief explanation of thestory contained within each poem.


Less Able to take the poem Children With Adultsand underline all the adjectives, nouns and verbs in differentcolours. Record the amounts on a table.

LA to feedback on what they found out. What sort of words are theremore of?

Arethey surprised at how it turned out?


Onprojector, show the story about a journey to the shops with nopronouns. Have a discussion about what is wrong with thestory.

Introduce the uses of pronouns he, she, it, theyetc. Place them into the story. How does it change it?

Work with Able to place pronouns within theirsentences.

MA to use sheet Writing Personal Pronouns to rewrite the pieceputting in pronouns rather than common or proper nouns. Underlinetheir inserts to check the statement at the bottom.


LA to complete the Who Did What and Fill The Gaps worksheet.

Make clear the purpose for pronouns and the typesof words that they can replace. Write a meaning for display forfuture reference.

Special Needs

Steven - Mrs. Benham


Lewis, Daniel, Jordan Mrs. Whitington.


Class support for extended writing and sharedwriting to get them started.

Re-enforcement of adjectives, verbs and nouns.


Revisit the three poems from Monday. Go over thestories that are there. How would we write it as a story? Howwould the language change?

Model writing the story of Kenneth, first verse,in prose. Children to give input. Shared writing.

Teacher to support LA in their writing, continuedfrom board.




Allchildren to write the story of Kenneth. Remind them aboutparagraphs, being descriptive etc.

Check through each others work for spellingmistakes and whether the story makes sense. Underline any spellingmistakes.


Frank Carew MacGraw. Have the poem on projectorin the wrong order. Teacher to read it and see what the childrennotice about it.

Give out poem in the wrong order, cut up for LA.Explain they have to reorder it. What clues have they got?


Support LA in their reordering. Dont stick untilsure.



MA and A to rewrite the poem in the rightorder. They need to know that it will involve a lot of readingthrough to make sure that the poem follows through. Keep a lookoutfor clues.


What were the things/words that helped them toput the story in order? Share findings with the rest of theclass.


Onomatopoeic words. Within a poem aboutfireworks. What effects do these words have? Underline them.

Usethree children to take a line from the poem and express it usingdrama. Teacher to demonstrate.

Teacher to be available for advice andsupport.




Children in groups of two/ three to take averse of the firework poem and be ready to perform putting theemphasis on the onomatopoeic words and using voices and actions toshow what the poem is telling us; big actions for big words, usingthe voice to make an impact with actions alongside it. They can usechoral speaking if they want Use experimentation to find theirfinal performance.

Performances of their verses. Other children tocomment on how they think it worked and give advice/support.



Canthey explain a story in a poem?

Dothey know how and why pronouns are used?

Dothey know what onomatopoeic words are and what they are usedfor? Can theyperform a short poem?




See spelling strategy week 20




More Able

Using a more complicated format of narrative poemto try to find the meaning of the story.

Extended writing task looking for more complexsentences using the pronouns from Tuesday.