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NameKS2 Block A unit 1
Descriptionmixed age plan for Y3/4/5
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Lathom Park Primary School




Church of England Ages 5-11

Curriculum Area Maths Y3/4/5 Block A1; counting; PARTITIONING;CALCULATING.









Counting and rapidrecall; this units focus;

Addition; Number bonds to 10; pairs of numbersthat total 100; Call out number, chn to respond with correspondingnumber; maths whizz CD1 rapid recall; find partners withcorresponding numbers;


Starter obj & activity

Main objective, direct teaching anddifferentiated activity





Y3;2. Y4; 6, Y5;2;

Give chn copy of A bigger place activity sheet.Y3 numeral cds 0 -10, Y4 octagonal dice, Y5 octagonal diceincluding decimal. In groups chn roll the dice and write that digiton sheet. The aim is to make the highest number.



Y3;partition three digit numbers into multiples of 100,10 and 1

Y4;read, write and put in order four digit numbers including negativenumbers.

Y5;say what any digit represents in a number with up to 7digits;


Using w/board calculator, chn to enter a numberup to 1000 initially, rest of class to read out number. Ask valueof each digit. Demonstrate how to partition the number using arrowcds. Repeat for numbers going into the 1000s and 10000s.


Y3;Draw an empty number line, chn placenumbers 456, 465 and 516 on it.

Y4;What is the biggest/smallest whole numberthat you can make with 3, 0, 6, 5?

Y5; A number is partitioned likethis: 4 000 000 plus200 000 plus60000 plus300 plus50plus8
Write the number. Now read it to me



Abigger place a/s.

Numeral cds; dice; Y5 cambridge maths


Matthew; 4



Yellow; SM

Partition Pots

Green; Y3; BD

Partition Party activity sheet (supportlevel)

Red; Y4; PL

Whose Food

Blue; Y5

Cambridge Maths pg 21.



Y3;3, Y4;6, 7, Y5; 8, 6, 10

Write 27 on place value chart, ask value ofdigits. Write 270 on emphasise movement of digits, repeatquestions. Use progressively bigger numbers; Play maths whizz CD1level A1


Y3;partition three digit numbers into multiples of 100,10 and 1

Y4;read, write and put in order four digit numbers including negativenumbers.

Y5;say what any digit represents in a number with up to 7digits.


Roll a dice to generate 2 digits, chn to make 2different numbers on their w/b. Ask which is bigger number? How dowe know? Introduce the < > symbols with the vocab greaterthan/ less than. Repeat with 3 and 4 numbers. Using a number linechn to position some of the generated numbers in order (use post itnotes).

Y3; A number is partitioned likethis: 200Plus50Plus13. What is the number? partition it in other ways.

Y4; The local newspaper said that 800people attended

the summer fair. The newspaper gavethe number to the nearest 100. What is the smallest number ofpeople that could have attended?

Y5;What is the value of the 7 in 3274 105?



Place value chart.

Maths whizz CD1.+ a/s

1 6 dice

Post it notes

Rolling dice a/s


Yellow; SM

Tortoise bingo

Green; Y3; BD

InPairs rolling dice activity (support)

Red; Y4;

Hotel lift

Blue; Y5 PL

Maths Whizz CD1 Level A7 + activity sheet




Inpairs - Rolling dice activity (support)



Inpairs - Rolling dice activity (core)



Maths Whizz CD1 level A7 + activity sheet



Y3;3, Y4; 2, Y5; 3


Maths Whizz CD1 Level A2


Y3;read and write numbers to 1000 and put them inorder

Y4;read, write and put in order four digit numbers including negativenumbers.

Y5;find a missing number in a sequence


Ask; where would you see negative numbers? UseITP thermometer to demonstrate position of negative numbers. Usevertical number line and label +5, 0, -5. chn to add missingnumbers using post it notes. Pick two random numbers and ask whichis smaller/bigger? Chn to make number sentences using < > =symbols.


Y3;position 581, 418, 560, 509 and 495 onnumber line. How do you find the smallest /largestnumber?

Y4; ID 2 temperatures that liebetween 0 degrees and -10 degrees. Which is the warmer?

Y5; Create a sequence that includesthe number -5. Describe your sequence to the class.



Maths whizz CD1


Cambridge Maths Green books


Matthew; 4



Yellow; PL

Word order (adapted)

Green; Y3 BD

Cambridge Maths pg 24. Chn to cut and paste toans A1.

Usegrid for B1.

Red; Y4; SM

Cambridge maths pg 19



Blue; Y5

River logging/

Cambridge maths pg 24



Y3;4, Y4; 4, 10 Y5; 4,7


Maths Whizz CD1 Level A4


Y3;add and subtract one and two digit numbers and multiples of 10 inmy head ; know the differences of any pair of numbers up to20.

Y4;add and subtract two digit numbers in my head, double two digitnumbers; work out sums and differences of multiples of 100 or 1000;estimate and check the result of a calculation.

Y5;work out sums and difference of decimals with two digits; explaineach step when I write addition and subtraction calculations incolumns estimate and check the result of a calculation. Find a pairof factors for a two digit number;


Useempty number to demonstrate how we can solve 40 + 70 by countingup. Discuss checking this using subtraction. Repeat for numberswhich cross the hundreds barrier incorporating both add andsubtract allowing chn to attempt to ans in pairs on individualw/bs.

Y3;Look at this number sentence: circlePlusSquare=19. What could the two missing numbers be?

Y4; What number do you need to add to46 to make 92? How did you work it out? Is there a different way todo it?

Y5; Look at these calculations withtwo-digit decimals. Tell me how you could work them out in yourhead.



Maths whizz CD1

Y6Maths Whizz CD1


activity sheets

Y4letts bk


Matthew; 4



Yellow; SM

Spider web (adapted)

Green; Y3 BD

Sums and differences a/s (support)

Red; Y4

Letts pg 9 practice activity.

Blue; Y5; PL

Teacher led; (Y6) Maths Whizz CD1 level C1



Y3;4, Y4; 4, 10 Y5; 4,7


Recall pairs of numbers that total 100

Maths Whizz CD1 Level C1


Y3;add and subtract one and two digit numbers and multiples of 10 inmy head ; know the differences of any pair of numbers up to20.

Y4;add and subtract two digit numbers in my head, double two digitnumbers; work out sums and differences of multiples of 100 or1000.

Y5;work out sums and difference of decimals with two digits; explaineach step when I write addition and subtraction calculations incolumns estimate and check the result of a calculation.


Display an OHP/IWB calculator. Write on board 48+ 36 and ask;

What is your estimate of the answer? How did youdecide on your estimate? How can we calculate this mentally?

Tryto elicit stages such as 48 +2 +30 + 4.

Repeat for other calculations such as 48 + 67 andfor subtractions such as 94 36.


Y3;Add or subtract these numbers. Tell mehow you did it.

800Plus500 900Minus400

Y4;Work out 37 plus58 in your head. Tell me how you did it. Did anyone do it adifferent way? How could we record the method that youused?

Y5; Add three point five to four point eight.



Maths Whizz CD1

Numeral cds

Yellow; ; PL

Asgroup chn shuffle numeral cds and take it in turns to choose 2 cdsto add then subtract

Green; Y3 BD

Asgroup chn shuffle numeral cds and take it in turns to choose 2 cdsto add then subtract progress to choosing 4 cds producing twodigit numbers.

Red; Y4 SM

Inpairs chn shuffle numeral cds and take it in turns to choose 4 cdsproducing two digit numbers which they then add & subtract

Blue; Y5

Inpairs chn shuffle numeral cd including decimal numeral cds and takeit in turns to choose 2 which they then add & subtract


Matthew; 4








Y3,3, Y4; 6,7, Y5;8,


Maths Whizz CD2 level D1 multiply and divide by10.


Y3;I can explain how the digits change when I count in 10s and100s.

Y4;know my 8 and 9 times table; x and by 10 and 100 and explain whathappens to the digits when I do this.

Y5; x or a whole number by 10, 100 or 1000;know my x tables to 10 and use them to work out division facts.Work out some calculations in my head or with jottings and explainhow I found the answer


UseITP moving digits to demonstrate how the digits move.

Y3 work with TA using Maths Whizz CD1 Level A4.

Y4/5; chn recite factors for 4x table write themon board. Together use this information to calculate the 8x table.Repeat counting in 7s and 3s ask can we use this informationfor another table. (9)


Writea number in the box to make this correct.


857 =+50 + 7


Y4;What number is 10 times smaller than2450? What number is 100 times bigger than 36?

Y5; I divide a number by 10, and thenagain by 10. The answer is 0.3. What number did I start with? Howdo you know?



ITP moving digits

Maths Whizz CD2

Numeral cds.


Matthew; 4




Counting forwards and backwards to 30.

Green; Y3 BD

Cambridge Maths pg 29.

Red; Y4 SM

Working in pairs;

Take it in turns to choose a numeral cd and tosay a multiplication fact e.g. 5 chosen 4 x 5 = 20, so 8 x 5 isdouble 20 = 40 each stage of operation to be recorded. Partnerchecks answer using calculator.

Blue; Y5 PL

Teacher directed; (Y6) Maths Whizz CD1 Level C3 multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100.





Y3;2, Y4;5, Y5;2


Maths Whizz CD1 Level B1. comparing and orderingnumbers


Y3;I can explain how the digits change when I count in 10s and100s.

Y4;know my 8 and 9 times table; x and by 10 and 100 and explain whathappens to the digits when I do this.

Y5; x or a whole number by 10, 100 or 1000;know my x tables to 10 and use them to work out division facts.Work out some calculations in my head or with jottings and explainhow I found the answer


Choosing different starting points e.g. 10, 55,27, 174, -10, -55, - 27, 0.2, 5.5, 2.7. 1.74, children to add in10s and 100s. responding on w/bds. ask the chn what has beenhappening to the digits while we have been multiplying by 10 and100.(they moved to left and we added 0) Repeat for dividing.


Y3; Write numbers in the boxes to make this correct.


350+ + = 420

Y4;Change 4527 pence intopounds

Y5; Write in the missing numbers.
5 70 = square600 4 = square4 square= 200




Individual w/bds

Tentimes bingo activity sheets (2levels)


Matthew; 4




Counting forwards/backwards to 50/100

Green; Y3 BD

Cambridge maths pg 7

Red; Y4; PL

Play ten times bingo, core version

Blue; Y5; SM

Play ten times bingo, extension version



Y3;4,5, Y4; 3,8,4, Y5; 4,5


Maths Whizz CD2 Level C1 using doubling,halving to x by 8, 5, 20.


Y3;add and subtract multiples of 10 or 100 in myhead.

Y4;add and subtract and work out sums and differences of multiples of100 or 1000, double two digit numbers,

Y5;.work out sums and differences of doubles andhalves of decimals and explain each step when I write addition andsubtraction calculations.


Y3 work with TA add/sub 1,10,100 Maths Whizz CD 1 level D2

Write on board 16 x 4 ask how can we use doublingto work this out. Explain that we can work things out usingdoubling and halving. Write on board; 13 x 20 = a. ask how could wework this out? Repeat for other examples.

Reinforce that to find 8 x table we can x by 2then double and double again or multiply by 4 and double. Write onboard 15 x 8 and ask for suggestions. Discuss that multiplying by 5it is useful to x 10 then halve. How could we multiply by 20 (x10double).

Write 37 on board, chn to mentally double andexplain how they did it. Now as double 370, 3700 ask chn to explainmethods. Repeat with 56.


Y3;Make the number 346 for me. What does the3 represent? And the 4? [Remove the 6.] What number do you havenow? What does the 3 represent now? And the 4?

Y4; Add or subtract these numbers.Tell me how you did it.
30plus80, 70 minus50
800plus500, 900 minus400
5000plus3000, 8000 minus6000

Y5;Work out 32.75 18.37, explaining everystep that you write.



Maths Whizz CD1

Add/sub activity sheet

Hundred squares



Matthew; 4



Yellow; PL

Crack the code


Green; Y3 BD

Swimming lanes.



Red; Y4 SM

Inpairs using 100 square. One child chooses a number, doubles it, x10, x100 and record on sheet. Other child writes halves of thesenumbers.

Blue; Y5

Inpairs using decminal numeral cds One child chooses a number,doubles it, x 10, x100 and record on sheet. Other child writeshalves of these numbers.



Play interactive tables (assess prior learningfor block B)


Y3;explain how I solve problems.

Y4;explain to someone else how I solve problems and puzzles.

Y5;write down how I solved a problem, showing every step.


Using Maths Whizz CD3 level A1 go through theworded problems asking chn for suggestions as to what to do at eachstage. Demonstrate and model how to solve the problem using thestrategies we have been learning.

Give the chn the opportunity to attempt a coupleof the problems with their partner.

Y3; A carton of orange fills 6 cups.

pMrs Green wants to fill 50 cups with orange. How many cartons of orange does she need to buy? Show how you work it out.

Y4;Y5 Write the missing number in the box.

456+ = 710


Explain how you worked out the answer



Maths whizz CD3

Y3& Y4 letts activity books


Matthew; 4



Yellow; PL

Amaths story;

After comp chn to record the mathematical sum intheir bks.


Letts activity book pg 23 multiplicationproblems.



Y4/Y5 SM

Y4Letts activity book pg 24, multiplication and divisionproblems.



Play interactive tables (assess prior learningfor block B)


Y3;explain how I solve problems.

Y4;explain to someone else how I solve problems and puzzles.

Y5;write down how I solved a problem, showing every step.


Inpairs, children to provide suggestions for word problems for thefollowing number sentences on individual w/ds;

56+ 37, 198 + 47, 93 48.





All; There are 219 boys and 187 girls in a school.

Whatis the total number of children?

Explain your answer.




Individual w/bds

Length word problems ( 3 levels)


Matthew; 4



Yellow SM

MrMuscle goes shopping use shopping items cds and money to assistchn.


Length word problems (support version)



Length word problems (core version)



Length word problems (extension version)