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NameGeog mountains
Descriptionmountains and contrasting UK locality (lake district)
File 1560_MTP mountains.doc
File 2560_What the Mountains Do.doc

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Cross curricular


Key skills

Toknow how enviro differ.


Toknow about the world distribution of major mountain areas.


Touse maps and globes.

Begin by showing globe, discuss sizes ofcontinents. Show Oxfam coolplanet website flattening the globe toshow how globes and maps are similar. Discuss projections of theglobe.


Display world map, show pics of diff environ.What features can they identify on each pic? What is environcalled? What would climate and weather be like? What sort ofanimals/plants would live there? Are they hostile for people tolive? Can they identify any places on map where they might findthese environ? Activity sheet 1 from LCP


Where are British Isles? What countries are inthe BI? Find BI in atlas. What continent is BI in? what othercountries in the continent? What features can they find on map ofBI? Can they find rivers, lakes, mountains? What are the names ofmountains?


Using map of world, atlases to plot Europeancities and mountains. (Junior ed pullout)

LAuse scholastic British Isles map.


MAcomplete blank of world countries and major mountain areas.



Assess cdns abilities to use atlases throughobservation.

Copy of jun ed pullout








Pictures of various environments.


LCP activity 1


Numeracy height order of mountains.


ICT database of mountain areas.


Music Night on Bare Mountain/ In the hall ofthe mountain king.

L3app of maths use atlases to locate page nos for info


L3/4 improve own learning to know about keyplaces in British Isles, Europe and World


L3/5 info tech set up database torecord/store information/findings from research.

Touse globes, maps and atlases.


Tolearn about the world distribution of major mountain areas.


About the features of mountainenvironments


Toknow how mountains are formed.

Recap on last lesson with geog quiz on places(scholastic)


Earth from space cool planet site


Explain environ to focus on is mountains, howwould they define a mountain? What is diff between mount and hill?Give out maps and atlases, how can we identify mountains in these?Brown areas of shading. Explain term mountain range. List anymountain ranges they know. Give each group a mountain range toresearch, could use sheets AS2/3 from LCP to help. Provide withlist of helpful websites. Feedback findings. Make class bar chartof mountain heights using 1cm square = 500m.


Use WWF virtual wildlife website to find outmore about mountains and how they are formed.

Mixed ability groups to enable children to worktogether and help each other.

Are they able to identify major mountainareas?


Are they able to identify mountainous areas on amap or atlas?

Scholastic places quiz


Maps, atlases, globes


LCP sheets


Large squared paper for bar chart



Numeracy bar charts


ICT using the Internet to research, framingquestions properly, understanding bias.


Literacy books about mountain ranges.


Art watercolour paintings of mountains.


History Life of a famous person GeorgeMallory, Sir Edmund Hilary, Sherpa Tensing etc.

L3/4 app of no record findings on charts,graphs and tables.


L4IT use Internet maps and atlases to locateinfo

Tounderstand how weather on a mountain changes through the seasonsand how this affects human activity.

Recap on last lesson. Look at mountains PP. Lookagain and WWF website, answer mountains questions from educatesheet.


Discuss all activities associated with amountain skiing, hiking, camping, climbing, fishing etc. sortactivities into seasons. Show pics from scholastic geog CD rom Alpsin winter and in Summer. Discuss differences. Are there anyactivities which could be done all year round? Make 3 flap bookwith Venn diagram picture on front, under each flap, cut and pastepictures of winter, summer or both activities .LCP activity 6 Giveout paper and ask them to split into 2, using there own groupsmountain area, produce a labelled and annotated picture of themountain area in Winter and Summer. Annotate with human activity,climate, landscape and weather data.


Discuss findings, explain temp drops as you goup a mountain (average 0.6 c every 100m) what are the hazards inwinter? Avalanche discuss how these are caused.

LAonly do one season.


MAcould split into all four seasons.

Are they able to make links between weather,landscape and human activity?


Dothey know some hazardous weathers that can effect mountainregions?


Dothey know how weather and landscape change throughout theseasons?

Mountains pp


Educate mountains questions sheet.


Large selection of travel brochures.


LCP sheet 6


Coloured paper


Scholastic geog CD rom

Literacy books about mountain ranges.


Maths Venn diagrams of seasonal activities.Temperature on mountains


ICT finding information on climate andweather.


ART design warning posters of dangers onmountains and how to spot them.

L4comm skills can explain features of places and why theychange

Tounderstand why people have chosen to settle in mountainousareas.


Tounderstand differences between physical and human features.


Tounderstand how humans can affect the environment.

Discuss the landscapes of some mountainousareas. Look at maps and atlases of mountainous areas, are there anymajor towns or cities nearby? Why is that? Why do people decide tosettle in areas? What do people need in order to survive? Can theyget everything they need in mountainous areas? Look at mountainsenviron PP discuss.


Look at map of Lake District, where might peoplelive? Why do they live there? What effect might they have on theenvironment? Discuss effects of tourists on environment. Aretourists helpful to the areas or not? Discuss.


Look at geog CD rom and discuss points of viewmade. Use Internet to google Edmund Hilary and his views ontourists leaving a mess behind on Everest. List pros and cons oftourism.

MAgive reasons why tourists help or hinder the area.

Dothey know the difference between physical and humangeography?


Are they able to give reasons why people settlein a particular place?


Can they give reasons for and against theeffects of tourisms?

Maps, atlases


Large poster of Alps ski lifts


Geog CD rom


Mountains PP


Map of Lake District



Literacy debating pros and cons of tourism onmountainous areas.


DT design headwear for snowboarder.

L4comm skills can explain features of places and why they change(improve or damaged)


L4/5 work with others understand howchanges to a place or environ can change lives of people livingthere.



Tounderstand Ordinance Survey symbols.


Toread 6 figure grid references


Toknow what the contours on a map mean.

Show map of Lake District, point out symbols onmap. Discuss. Play game of symbol snap from bbc schools. Why arethey needed? Discuss numbers on maps, what do they mean. Refer tonumeracy and co-ordinates. Show pg 38 from scholastic maps and mapmaking. Where would 49, 34 be? Etc. explain this only gives a pointwhere the two meet, how can we use grid references to find placesin the square before we get to 49, 35? Show using IWP and gridpaper. What would be the most accurate six figure grid ref for thebridge south of Bramton? Discuss ideas

Look at three different maps of Ambleside,discuss scales and what they mean. Show on Internet. Which onegives us more close detail of the area? Apart from Ordinancesymbols, what else can be seen on map? What are the brown areas?What do the lines on the areas mean? Show how contour lines showsteepnees by making mountain shape from plasticine, dot lines atregular intervals, place string around dotted lines and getchildren to look at model from above, draw what they see. Make owncontour model using corrugated card. Which sides of the mountainare the steepest? How do they know?

LAuse four figure grid ref (pg 36)


Most - put the features into correct places onmap (pg 39)


MA symbols hunt (pg 69)

Dothey know some of the Ordinance Survey symbols and why they areused on maps?


Can they find 4 or 6 figure gridreferences?


Dothey know what the scales on maps mean?


Are they able to identify contour lines andexplain them?


Making and using maps scholastic


Ordinance symbols


Map of LD






Contour line sheets and corrugatedcardboard

Numeracy co-ordinates, grid references.



L3/5 prob solv use 4/6 figure gridreferences.


L5app of maths work out what scales of maps mean.



Touse knowledge of how mountains are formed and try to ascertain howvolcanoes occur.

Recap on how mountains are formed, discussearths crust and tectonic plates moving. How do they thinkvolcanoes are formed? Discuss ideas. Show video clip on CD romillustrating formation of volcanoes. Make a volcano model, addother features such as trees, animals perhaps a village etc anderupt put play dough on places where lava has flowed, what hasit covered? Where are the volcanoes in the world? Which ones aredormant and which are still active? Use maps, Internet etc tohelp.


Mind map what they now know aboutmountains.

Work in mixed ability groups

Can they explain how mountains and volcanoes areformed?


Dothey understand what makes a volcano erupt?

Video clip of volcano forming


Plastic drinks bottle


Icecream container


Bicarb of soda


Vinegar and red food colouring

Science materials, changing state,gases.


Art paper mache volcano island.

L5improve own learning can build on knowledge of places byfinding out about plate techtonics.


L4improve own learning know about three geog themes:settlements, how people affect environments and water and itseffects on people/places.