Brenden is Teaching


Namewinding up
TopicDesign Technology
UnitWinding Up
File 1475_DT medium planning, Summer Term 2008 winding up.doc
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Spring Term 2b Design and Technology Moving Pictures

Summer term1st halfDesignand Technology: Winding up


Learning Objectives& National Curriculum links



To lookat the working characteristics of materials (NC 4a)

To investigate andevaluate a range of familiar products and how they work (NC5a)


That awinding mechanism has an axle that turns and a handle.

To observecarefully what happens when such a mechanism works.

To make simpledrawings and label parts (how the mechanism works)



  I can talk about howthe winding mechanisms are made and how they work

  I can make labelleddrawings that show how the mechanisms work

  I can describe thepurpose of windup toys

Toys/models looking at & labelling


Childrenbring in toys to look at

  Show the childrentoys that have winding mechanisms. Discuss what it is made of, howdo you think it works etc.

  Discuss with thechildren what the winding mechanism does and how it works. Whatmight you need to wind up?

  Provide opportunitiesfor children to explore/create winding mechanisms in different waysusing a selection of construction kits. How did they constructthe winding mechanism? How did they attach the axle so it moves?How can they turn the axle? Discuss the importance of the sizeof the drum on a winder. The bigger the drum the faster it windsup for a given winding speed. Explore using different drumsizes.


  Vocabulary;explore,investigate, choose, decide, brainstorm, fast, slow, quick, windingup, axel axle, winding mechanism, stable, structure, handle,turning, free, fixed, second, minute, timer



After the childrenhave had a look at the toys and how the winding up mechanism worksthey can draw and label a toy/model showing the different parts andhow they work.


HA; can draw twodifferent winding up mechanisms to compare the different ways theywork




Lesson2 & 3

Generate ideas bydrawing on their own and other peoples experiences(NC1a)

Communicate theirideas using a variety of methods (NC1e)

To identify apurpose for what they intend to design and make


Tolearn to understandtechniques for making winding mechanisms from constructionmaterials

To usea variety of simple tools and equipment to practise making a windup device

To talk aboutstrengths and weaknesses of different ways of making theirmechanism

Todesign their own winding up mechanism

To label designclearly with materials used and tools needed

To model their ideasby making a mock-up,





I have made alabelled design with a list of tools and materials I willneed

I have made amock up



Designand mock-up

(recapon vocab)

Set challengewhat is the purpose for making the design (link to a story about acastle with a drawbridge that doesnt work.or/and make a strongnon-fiction link in history) Show some pictures of castles andpoint out the draw bridge. Explain to the ch that we (in groups)are going to be creating our own model castles with a mechanism.How do you think we could make the draw bridge go up anddown?


Show ch an example ofa sort of mechanism they are going to create and introduce thetechniques for their wind up device; holding axles to enable themto turn eg punching holes in the side of a box, using clothespegs or triangular pieces of card with holes punched. Demonstratethe techniques and discuss possible difficulties eg whathappens when the axles are not parallel.


Show the children howto cut, fix and use appropriate amounts of masking tape, or plastictubing, to secure the cotton reels on the axle if there is a loosefit.


Ask the childrento think carefully about their ideas. Which winding mechanismswould be most suitable for your castle ? How will you constructthe draw bridge? How will you make it strong enough for people touse? Discuss other design criteria.



Askthe children to investigate ways of making thedrawbridge

Encourage the children to make well-constructed structures as amock up using the construction kits to try out their ideas. Howis it going to move? How will you join the pieces so that it canmove? How could you make it stronger? Where are the weak points?How could you reinforce them? Are there different ways of makingthis? Which would give the best results?



Once the group have agreed on a design ch to draw out their finaldesign for their mechanism and list the tools that they think theywill use. (H/A can design their model with two winding upmechanisms)


(Whenstoring unfinished models, show children how to use masking tapeand/or paper clips to secure loose components to their model sothat they do not get lost.)


Vocabulary;investigate, choose, decide, brainstorm, fast, slow, quick, windingup, axel axle, winding mechanism, stable, structure, handle,turning, free, fixed, parallel, second, minute, timer




Lessons4 & 5

Selecttools, techniques and materials for making their product(NC2a)

Explorethe sensory qualities of materials (NC2b)

Measure, mark out,cut and shape a range of materials (NC2c)

Assemble, join andcombine materials and components (NC 2d)

To select and useappropriate processes and tools

To useappropriate finishing techniques



I can selectand use the appropriate tools safely.


Show thechildren the correct use of tools and, if necessary, demonstrateand give children the opportunity to practise using specific toolsand equipment eg how to cut doweling


Working insmall groups children can begin to make their castle model withtheir wind up mechanism (drawbridge) highlight the use of team workwith every person in the group having a say and taking theirturn.


Vocabulary;collecting,punching, connecting, fixing, straight, axel, doweling, maskingtape, hole punch, cotton reel; explore



Selecttools, techniques and materials for making their product(NC2a

Usesimple finishing techniques to improve the appearance of theirproduct, using a range of equipment (NC 2e)




I haveadded appropriate features and finishing techniques to improve theappearance of my product.










Talkabout their work, saying what they like and dislike(NC3a)

Identify what theycould have done differently or how they could improve their work inthe future. (NC3b)

To evaluateagainst design criteria



I can evaluatemy product by commenting on the main features discussing how wellit works and how it could be improved

I can say whatI liked about somebody elses work


Childrencontinue to make their models with their winding upmechanism.

Children canadd the appropriate features to their model.



Vocabulary;collecting,punching, connecting, fixing, straight, axel, doweling, maskingtape, hole punch, cotton reel; explore,drawbridge, wall, moat.














Write anevaluation of their mechanism:

      What do you likeabout your model?

      What could you do tomake it even better?

      What did you likeabout somebody elses model?

Did you changeyour design and why? (Year 1 HA and Year 2)

















It ishelpful if the children have:

  usedconstruction kits

  madestrong and stable structures

  discussed theirideas

Thisunit builds on Units 1B Playgrounds and 2A Vehicles and otherwork with construction kits and reclaimed materials.



In thisunit, children will use words and phrases relating to:

  designingeg explore, investigate, choose, decide, brainstorm, fast,faster, fastest, slow, slower, slowest, quick, quicker,quickest

  makingeg collecting, punching, connecting, fixing, straight,doweling, masking tape, hole punch, cotton reel

  knowledge andunderstanding eg axle, winding mechanism, stable,structure, handle, turning, free, fixed, second, minute,timer



  imagesof castles/draw bridges

  construction kitssuitable for making winding mechanisms

  card,cardboard boxes, doweling, string, cotton reels, pegs, lolly sticksfor handles

  masking tape, glue,pipe-cleaners, stapler

  materials forfinishing eg coloured papers and card, fabric, felt-tippens, paint, scissors, snips, hole punch, bradawl, hacksaw,sawing jig



Expectations; at theend of the unit

Most chwill:havegained an understanding of simple winding mechanisms and maderealistic suggestions as to how their ideas can be achieved; haveconstructed mechanisms using construction kits and differentmaterials; have made the parts eg castle and the drawbridge using a winding up mechanism; have been able to say whatworks well in their model.

Somechildren will not have made so much progress andwill:havemade a winding mechanism from construction kits but will haveneeded support in making with materials eg the axle may notbe parallel, they may not have understood about fixing the axlesecurely and may have found it hard to make a robust structure;have suggested at least one improvement to their idea afterprompting.

Somechildren will have progressed further andwill:havecommunicated their ideas clearly and made a model with two or morewinding mechanisms; have connected one mechanism to another so thatone turns the other so that it is driven; have made judgementsabout their product in relation to their design idea and suggestedimprovements to their design










Imagesof castles



