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NameHealth Unit
DescriptionFor a prep/1/2 grade.
File 1363_Health unit plan.doc
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Health Unitplan. Grades Prep/1/2. 5 lessons of 1hour 15 min duration.







Link toVELS


a)Healthy/Unhealthy drawing of 2 children brainstorm words forwhat makes us healthy and unhealthy guide towardsnutrition.

b)Motivation fun food game hand out food picture cards to eachstudent Stand up if you think you have a vegetable (fruit,grain, dairy, meat etc) until every child has stood up introduceFood Pyramid and where cards belong.

a)What are words that mean we are healthy/unhealthy?

What can make us healthy/unhealthy?

How do we feel if we arehealthy/unhealthy?

b)Who thinks they have a vegetable, fruit etc?

Where does this food belong?

Which foods are healthier?

Why is this food unhealthy?


a)Butcher paper to draw 2 pictures of a child on.

Permanent markers.

b)Food picture cards.

Food Pyramid poster.


Discussion participation and understanding offood groups by choosing correct category in b) (anecdotal).

Health & Physical Education

Level1: they explore basic health needsthat must be met to maintain or promote their health and to helpthem grow and develop begin to learn about the importance of eatinga variety of foods. They learn about how foods differ in look,taste, feel and smell, and begin to understand how good foodchoices contribute to an active and healthy life.

Level2: With guidance, they learn to makehealthy food choices according to healthy eating models. They beginto recognise the importance of variety and frequency of foodconsumption for an active and healthy life.

English Speaking &Listening,

Level1: purposeful communication aboutpersonal experiences to peers and known adults; contribution ofideas to discussions.

Level2: appropriate comments and questionsin group activities; responses, after application of listeningskills, to conversations.




a)Reintroduce Food Pyramid poster discuss poster amounts of eachgroup that should be eaten for daily requirements.

b)Make our own Food Pyramid students cut out magazine pictures tostick on our Food Pyramid.











a)Which type of food is in this section?

Why do we need to eat different amounts of thefood groups?

Why do we need to eat this much of thisfood?

Why should we only eat this much of thisfood?


Who can remember which food group would gohere?

What types of foods would we put in thissection?

What section does the picture you have cut outgo into?

a)Food Pyramid poster.

b)Butcher paper with triangle drawn on with sections marked torepresent food group.

Magazines, Supermarket brochures.


Correct placement of pictures on Food Pyramid(anecdotal).

Health & PhysicalEducation: see lesson 1.

English Speaking & Listening: see lesson 1.



a)Introduce Fruit & Veg 2 & 5 poster link to Food Pyramid posterand daily requirements.

Discuss different types of fruit and vegetablesstudents have eaten make list.

Students to cut out pictures of different fruitand vegetables.

Stick these onto a class Fruit and Vegetableposter.

b)Introduce Daily Fruit chart (pictograph) and homework task.

Homework task students are to keep a record(pictograph) of which fruit they eat each day.

a)How much fruit/vegetables should we eat?

Are these healthy foods?

What sort of fruit/vegetables have youeaten?

Lets see how many we can list.

Which are your favourites/leastfavourite?

Isthis a fruit or a vegetable?


a)Fruit & Veg 2 & 5 poster.

Butcher paper.

Permanent marker.

Poster paper.


Magazines, Supermarket brochures.

b)Poster paper for chart.

Homework worksheets.

Discussion participation (anecdotal) andhomework worksheet (correct representation of pictograph,understanding of what a fruit is).

Health & PhysicalEducation: see lesson 1.

English Speaking &Listening,

Level1: purposeful communication aboutpersonal experiences to peers and known adults; contribution ofideas to discussions.

Level2: appropriate comments and questionsin group activities; responses, after application of listeningskills, to conversations.


Level1: students write personal recountsand simple texts about familiar topics to convey ideas ormessages.

Level2: They write texts that convey ideasand information to known audiences and use drawings that supportthe intended meaning of their writing.

Mathematics - Measurement,chance and data.

Level 1:interpretation of pictographs, andcollection and sorting of items or data in preparation for thecreation of a pictograph.

Level2: interpretation ofpictographs.


a)Fill in class chart (pictograph) from students homework sheets.(Students do own sheet)

Choose the 5 favourite types of fruit to makekebabs with.

b)Discuss food hygiene brainstorm on butchers paper with studentsto create food hygiene sheet.

c)Colour-in sheets.


a)What fruit did you eat?

What is the most favourite of the fruit? How dowe know this?

Which is the least favourite? How do we knowthis?

What are the 5 most favourite? How do we knowthis?

b)What does hygiene mean?

What is food hygiene?

What things do we need to do to be hygienicaround food?

What does your mother say?

a)Daily Fruit chart.

Homework sheets.

b)Butchers paper.

Food Hygiene sheet.

c)Colour-in sheets.

Correct filling-in of pictograph.

Discussion participation (anecdotal)

Health & Physical Education:see lesson 1.


English Speaking &Listening, see lesson3.

Mathematics - Measurement,chance and data. See lesson3.



a)Teacher prepares fruit before lesson (cuts up, puts correct amountsin containers for each table).

b)Teacher reintroduces Food Hygiene sheet to students as well assafety with kebab sticks.

c)Discuss types of fruit to be used with students taste, colour,shape, texture.

d)Students lay tables with paper and create their own kebabs (2each).

e)Students show their finished product to class. Discussion on whichfruits were easier/harder to work with, why they chose thepattern/fruit they did.


b)What do we need to remember about food hygiene?

Why do we need to be careful with the kebabsticks?

c)Questions re taste, shape, colour and texture.

e)Why did you choose these fruits?

Why did you put them on in this order?

Which fruits were the easiest/hardest to workwith? Why?


Containers. Knives.

b)Food Hygiene sheet.

c)Fruit in containers.

d)Paper for tablecloths.

Kebab sticks.


Discussion participation understanding of whythey chose fruits they did. (anecdotal).

Health & PhysicalEducation: see lesson 1.

English Speaking &Listening, see lesson3.

Design, Creativity &Technology: Studentsindependently, or in collaboration with peers or adults, explorethe use of common materials such as food ingredients. They developskills in the safe use of basic tools and equipment, such as safetyscissors, mixing bowls, cups and rulers, to cut, join, shape, mixand follow instructions to construct simple products or modelsbased on their design ideas.


a)Play What food is that? a student silently chooses a fooddepicted on the class Food Pyramid questions are asked as otherstudents try to guess which food it is (eg; What food group is itin? What colour is it? What shape is it?). Brainstorm possiblequestions that can be asked by students during introduction togame.

b)Playdough each student on a table makes a food from a differentfood group.

c)Play Can you pick the food?

a)What food group is it in?

What colour is it?

What shape is it?

a)Food Pyramid poster.



c)Can you pick the food? Activity sheet.

Recognition of food groups and where they fit inFood Pyramid. (anecdotal).

Health & PhysicalEducation: see lesson 1.

Communication:They areencouraged to use questions to clarify meaning and to extendinteraction.











Assessment for HealthUnit.3 = Consistently

2 = Sometimes

1 = Rarely


1. Suggests correct healthy/unhealthy word

1. Chose correct food group.

2. Placed picture in correct food group.

3. Knows what a fruit or vegetable is.

4. Filled in pictograph correctly.

4. Knows what food hygiene entails.

5. Aware of why they chose fruit they did (texture,hardness, colour?)

6. a) Correct choice of food

6. c) Correct choice of fruit.