Name | Renewed Framework Literacy Highwayman |
Owner | nomes |
Level | 5 |
Topic | Literacy |
Unit | Poetry |
Description | |
File 1 | 358_Module - Highwayman.doc |
File 2 |
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Overview of unit: (2 xweeks) |
Thechildren engage in active reading and exploration of a narrativepoem, The Highwayman. Through practical activities and discussion,the children explore how writers use language to create dramaticeffects.
Childreninvestigate different aspects of longer, narrative poetry,including the structure. They work as part of a group to use dramastrategies to explore characters in depth. They devise questions toask the main characters and work in roles to explore more complexemotional issues. A reading journal is used to record inferencesand demonstrate understanding of characters.
Childrenreflect upon the usefulness of different techniques used throughthe sequence to support their understanding of a historical text.They work as a member of a group to perform the poem using dramatechniques before selecting and practising stanzas for the choralperformance. Performances are evaluated and improved according tochosen success criteria and the impact of theatrical effects isexamined in more depth.
Notes: Thisunit is the second in a block of three poetry units in Year 5. Theunit has oral outcomes and assessment opportunities at regularintervals. Interactive whiteboard (IWB) software is used to supportchildren's reading and writing throughout the teaching sequence.Digital cameras and digital sound recorders are also used tosupport and enhance performances. The unit can be linked to othercurriculum subjects and themes. Afurther text unit based on The Highwayman is available to supportplanning for Y5
Literacyobjectives - Most children will learn how to: | |||
Toensure effective planning of literacy skills, teachers need toensure they plan for the ongoing elements of literacy learningwithin each unit and across the year, using assessment for learningto ensure children make effective progress, ensuring they reachnational expectations. Thelinks below take you to the relevant strand objectives to ensureeffective planning for core skills. These are inaddition to the Objectives listed below.
3. Groupdiscussion and interaction
Plan andmanage a group task over time using different levels ofplanning Understanddifferent ways to take the lead and support others in groups Understandthe process of decision making
Reflect onhow working in role helps to explore complex issues Use andrecognise the impact of theatrical effects in drama
7. Understandingand interpreting texts
Make noteson and use evidence from across a text to explain events orideas Explore howwriters use language for comic and dramatic effects
8. Engaging withand responding to texts
Compare howa common theme is presented in poetry, prose and other media
Use a rangeof ICT programs to present texts, making informed choices aboutwhich electronic tools to use for different purposes
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Buildingon previous learning by checking that children canalready:
Usedrama strategies to aid understanding of texts. Explainhow writers use figurative and expressive language to create imagesand atmosphere. Referto the text in order to support a hypothesis. Preparepoems for performance.
| Keyaspects of learning:
Enquiry Childrenwill investigate an older narrative poem, seeking the answers totheir own and others' questions. They will engage in drama anddiscussion and then plan and present an abridged version orally andvisually. Informationprocessing Childrenwill identify relevant information from a range of sources and usethis as a basis for a choral performance of an abridged version ofthe poem. Evaluation Childrenwill present information orally, through drama and in writing. Theywill discuss success criteria, give feedback to others and judgethe effectiveness of their own work. Self-awareness Childrenwill discuss and reflect on their personal responses to thepoems. Communication Childrenwill develop their skills to reflect critically on what they haveseen and read. They will develop their ability to present a poemorally and reflect critically on their own and others' work.
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Resources: WritingFlier Poetry:
Aspectsof Poetry Y5 Classic and Narrative Poetry: Resources forYear 5, Poetry, Unit 2, The Highwayman:,listening, learning: working with children in Key Stage 1 and KeyStage 2: drama - making it work in the classroom, Ref:0624-2003 inpoetry: |
| Phases of learning:
| Building assessment into teaching: | Learning outcomes: | SuccessCriteria: |
Translate into successcriteria appropriate for groups in your class | ||||
| Phase1 approx 3 days Childrenengage in active reading and investigation of a narrative poem.Through practical activities and discussion, they explore howwriters use language to create dramatic effects. | Phase1 Demonstrateunderstanding of the differences between literal and figurativelanguage and use the text to explain the effects of imagery in apoem (teacherobservation).
| Phase1 Learning outcomes Childrenunderstand the differences between literal and figurative languageand can use the text to explain the effects of imagery in apoem. | Ican discuss how a writer uses language to create dramaticeffects.
Ican talk about how the impact this has. |
Phase2 | Phase2 approx 3 - 4 days Childreninvestigate different aspects of a longer narrative poem, includingthe structure. They work as part of a group and use dramastrategies to explore characters in depth. They devise questions toask the main characters and work in role to explore more complexemotional issues. A reading journal is used to record inferencesand demonstrate understanding of characters.
| Phase2 Reflecton how working in role helps to explore some of the complex issueswithin a poem; demonstrate understanding of characters, languageand plot to write in the first person (teacherobservation, self-assessment).
| Phase2 Learning outcomes Childrenunderstand the differences between literal and figurative languageand can use the text to explain the effects of imagery in apoem. Children canreflect on how working in role helps to explore some of the complexissues within a poem. Children usetheir understanding of characters, language and plot to write inthe first person.
| Ican understand the difference between literal and figurativelanguage.
Ican identify the characters in a poem.
Ican discuss why they behave in the way they do. |
| Phase3 approx 3 - 4 days Childrenreflect on the helpfulness of different techniques used through thesequence to support their understanding of an older text. They workas members of a group to rehearse the poem using drama techniquesbefore selecting and practising stanzas for the choral performance.Performances are evaluated and improved according to chosen successcriteria and the impact of theatrical effects is examined in moredepth.
| Phase3 Demonstratethe ability to work as a member of a group to plan, perform andevaluate a choral performance of a poem; demonstrate the ability toevaluate and improve performances in the light of comments fromothers (teacherassessment, feedback against agreed success criteria).
| Phase3 Learning outcomes Childrendemonstrate that they can work as a member of a group to plan,perform and evaluate a choral performance of a poem. Childrendemonstrate that they are able to evaluate and improve theirperformance in the light of comments from others. | Ican work as part of a group to perform a poem.
Ican plan my performance.
Ican listen to the comments of others to improve myperformance. |
Refer to PrimaryFramework Teaching Sequence (link below) to complete unit plansappropriate to your class andcurriculum.
Day | Lesson LO or successcriteria | Whole-class work | Whole-class work | Independent work | Group work | Plenary including keyassessment |
Phase 1: Reading,investigating the text and capturing ideas (3 days) | ||||||
1. | L.O: Can I writedescriptive phrases to describe a setting? |
| Showpicture of woods on IWB (taken from illustrated Highwayman Book).Discuss the setting together and how we might feel in this place.Think about minutiae what about the wind? Shadows? The moon? Howwould we feel in this place? | In mixed abilitygroups: Children to explorescene shown with all senses. What might they see? Hear? Touch?Smell? Encourage group towrite a list of dramatic sentences describing this place: e.g. the moonshone, creating long shadows on the ground, the wind howled throughthe trees. Focus on use ofadjectives and descriptive words
| Create mood boardaround this scene. Write good phrases onto post-its to place onstepping stones display. | |
2. | L.O: Can I findphrases in a text that describe a certain character? |
| Introducethe main character by projecting an image of the Highwayman ontothe IWB. Ask children who this might be and what they notice abouthim. Create list of adjectives to describe him and extend toadverbs how might this man move? Speak? | Independent taskElves, Pixies, Monsters Show a mixture of thelanguage used to describe the characters in the Highwayman. Linkwhich ones relate to the Highwayman. Encourage children to explaintheir answers and refer to any clues they used | Trolls RG: Cut and pastestatements that relate to Highwayman around a picture of him Goblins NW: | Introduce StorySack pictures. Introduce other objects from the story. What cluesdo they give about the text? What role might they play in thecoming story? |
3. | L.O: Can I discusshow language sets the mood of a poem? |
| Readopening stanzas of the poem. Highlight language used to describesetting compare with phrases produced in day 1. Explore mood andatmosphere and ask children to highlight most appropriate words copy for display. Ask children to consider what they might see,hear and feel in this place and contrast with first ideas. | In guided groups,investigate how poet enhances the mood. Cut / highlight examples oflanguage and poetry techniques used. Identify and discuss the useof figurative and descriptive language - what do these terms mean?Can you find examples? | Discuss finding fromgroup task. How does A Noyes use colour in this poem? Make a listof techniques used. Show examples and note how these affect thereader. (Note on post its for display) | |
Phase2: Capturing ideas; analysis and investigation of aspects of thetext (3-4 days) | ||||||
4. | L.O Can I work in agroup to understand a character? |
| Sharedreading: Read whole poem of The Highwayman. Check understandingof the storyline, historical references, language, etc. Discussmain characters found and note on IWB. | Chn in 4 guidedgroups. Allocate each group a character from the Highwayman, Tim,Bess and The Kings Guard. Each group to evaluate the character,discussing key moments, motivation, feelings, relationships,goodie / baddie, etc. Use both written text and visual sources forhelp. (RG / NW to each leada group focussing discussion as needed) | Sharegroup findings with whole class | |
5. | L.O: Can I understandthe motivation of a main character? |
| Recap thecharacter of Tim the Ostler. Who is he? Why is he important in thestory? What is his main role? Ask children to each note down onequestion they would like to ask Tim if they could meet him | With teacher in role,hot-seat the character of Tim asking the questions that childrenwould like to ask. Investigate his relationship with Bess,relationships with other characters, motives, etc. | Consider what happensto Tim at the end of the story. Does Bess father find out what hedid? Does he stAy in the village? Chn to complete own ideas of Timat end of story. | |
6. | L.O: Can I write froma characters point of view?
| Recap differencesbetween figurative / descriptive language | Recapthe character of Bess. What is her role in the story? Who is hermain relationship with? Discuss the relationship between Bess andthe Highwayman. Would it ever work? Could they ever be together?Discuss what she is thinking before she shoots herself. Why did shedo it? | Children to write inrole as Bess. Write love letter to Highwayman after their initialmeeting. Prompt children to include fears over someone watchingthem, what will happen if they are discovered, what Bess will do ifthey are discovered. Encourage use offigurative and descriptive language. | RG:support Elves in this activity. Help with transcription elements asneeded. NW: usestory frame to guide Trolls. Use sentence starters, picture promptsas needed. | Read examples ofletters written and compare with mood of the poem. Who has mostsuccessfully replicated A Noyes use of language? Who has includedexamples of figurative / descriptive language? |
7. | L.O: Can I use storyclues to re-write the ending of a story?
| Engagechildren in an investigation of the ending of the poem. Use theitems from the story sack activity to explore which they feelplayed the greatest part in the death of the Highwayman. How couldthe ending have been different? Discuss and note down differentendings that could have occurred in this poem. | Children to re-writethe ending of the poem. Chn do not need to follow conventions oforiginal poem. | Goblins /Monsters: Re-write ending usingrhyming pattern in poem NW to support Monsters DS to work withTrolls on creating a group new ending | Askchildren to plot the main events of the poem and invite them tothink about the structure of the narrative. Use the IWB to plot andexplore the narrative shape. Explore the opening, setting,build-up, problems and resolutions within the poem. |
Phase 3: Choralperformance of an abridged version of the narrative poem, evaluatedand amended in the light of peer comments (3-4 days) | ||||||
8. | L.O: Can I createappropriate visual images to accompany sections of the poem? |
| Showpictures from the story and ask class to guess which part of thestory they are from. Discuss characters, positioning, facialexpression, setting and props and how these all contribute to ourunderstanding of the story. | Organisechildren into small mixed ability groups. Explain task of workingtogether to create a performance of the poem. Ask group to choose 3key sections of the story to freeze frame. Discuss impact of facialexpression, gesture and props. RG and NWto support / guide groups as needed. | Come back together asclass and allow time to show freeze frames. Record using digitalcamera. Ask rest of group to guess which scene the group arerepresenting. | |
9. | L.O:- Can I givesupportive feedback? - Can I adjust myperformance on the basis of the feedback of others? |
| Displayone of the freeze frames from each group on IWB and discuss as aclass. Give critical and supportive feedback on performance. Notesuggestions for each group. Encourage supportive feedback teachermodel if needed. | Allow time forchildren to polish freeze frames in light of feedback given ingroup sessions. RG and NWto support / guide groups as needed.
| Sharedreading of poem. Discuss how we can emphasise certain aspects ofthe poem through our reading. Ask chn to suggest changes to voice,pace, tone to improve reading of story. Note suggestions on IWBfile for future use. | |
10. | L.O: Can I work as agroup to create a choral performance of the Highwayman? - Can I improve andevaluate my performance? |
| Discusstask of creating a group performance of the poem. Do not need toshow whole poem, just abridged version. Recap understanding ofvoice, tone, pace, intonation to improve reading. Suggest ways chnmay like to perform this, e.g. all together with freeze frames onslideshow, one child reading with others showing frames,etc. | Allow time forchildren to select stanzas for performance and create choralperformance of their interpretation of poem. Encourage children totry out different reading techniques and evaluate their performanceas a group. RG and NWto support / guide groups as needed. | Useexamples of children's work to evaluate and amend performances.Encourage children to reflect on the impact of differentperformances. | |
11. | L.O: Can I work as agroup to create a choral performance of the Highwayman? - Can I improve andevaluate my performance? |
| Pair twogroups together and ask them to show one small section of theirperformance. As guided groups, feedback on performance and givesupportive suggestions for improvements. Give small amount of timeafter to refine own performances for rest of class. | Groups toperform their abridged version of poem to rest of class. Takefeedback after each performance, commenting on good points, key useof voice and performance and suggested improvements. | Allow time forchildren to reflect on own performance and evaluate using writingframe. |