Name | Numeracy Unit D2 |
Owner | Bod |
Level | 1 |
Topic | Numeracy |
Unit | D2 |
Description | |
File 1 | 243_Numeracy plan Y1 D2.doc |
File 2 |
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OBJECTIVES: keyobjectives in bold Solveproblems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling orhalving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for exampleto 'pay' and 'give change' Relateaddition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in anyorder; use practical and informal written methods to support theaddition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digitor two-digit number Understandsubtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number Visualiseand use everyday language to describe the position of objects anddirection and distance when moving them, for example when placingor moving objects on a game board Estimate,measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitableuniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments(e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug) Usevocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; readthe time to the hour and half hour Identifyobjects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about a line(e.g. a door); recognise and make whole, half and quarterturns Experimentwith and build new stores of words to communicate in differentcontexts
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DATE | Objectives | Learningoutcomes | Mental/oral | Teachingactivity | Independent & groupwork | Guidedwork | Resources &ICT | Plenary |
Day 1 (Mon) | Experimentwith and build new stores of words to communicate in differentcontexts | I can use words that describe position and direction | Play Simon Says usingpositional language Above/below Ontop/underneath Forwards/backwards/ sideways Left/right Behind/in frontof
| Introduce positionallanguage go over left and right.
Stand up and allfollow my instructions. Robots and instructors. Turn to yourright/left Take stepforwards/backwards/sideways Hands abovehead/knees | OUTSIDE HA Work in pairs take turns to give one another instructions. Can your partnerfollow the instructions? Try to useleft/right, half turns/whole turns | MA Take turns to bethe instructor rest robots. (KB)
LA - Take turns to bethe instructor rest robots. (MOB)
| Left and righthands
| Give instructions toget Miss Butler back to her chair (from playground?) |
Day 2 (Tues) | Visualise and useeveryday language to describe the position of objects and directionand distance when moving them, for example when placing or movingobjects on a game board
| I can tell my partner where to place their cubes to make the sameshape as mine | Sit in mathscircle
Tell me a number thatis: - More than____ - Less than____
More able: - More than ____ butless than _____.
| Shape pictures asclass with children giving me instructions. Before I draw theshape all ch to picture where I will draw it. Were theyright?
On top of Underneath Left Right INSIDE BETWEEN
| HA sit back to backwith partner. One person to draw shape picture and describe usingpositional language. Other to draw. Compare are the pictures thesame? Did you describe well? | MA Draw a groupshape picture. Take turns describing (MOB)
LA - Draw a groupshape picture. Take turns describing (MOB)
| Left and righthands | Feedback wasproblems did you find? Did you make sureyour instructions were clear/easy to understand? |
Day 3 (Wed) | Identifyobjects that turn about a point (e.g. scissors) or about a line(e.g. a door); recognise and make whole, half and quarterturns | I know how to turn right and to turn left
I can makewhole, half and quarter turns | Quick Simon says withhalf and quarter turns. | What is half? What isquarter? When might we usehalves and quarters? (Shapes, sharingfood, time)
Halves and quarterson IWB colour in half/quarter of shape.
Give ch post it noteeach. Fold into half. How - unfold and show me what it lookslike. How can we make itinto quarters now? | Whole class (minusLA, Lewis and Jacob) Followinstructions: Quarter turn (toleft/right) Half turn (to left/right doesit make a difference?) Whole turn. Pair up and continue include steps forward/backward. (MOB orKB) | LA and Lewis + Jacob Give instructions and ch to follow. Whole/half/ quarter turns. Do they know leftfrom right? (MOB orKB) | Left and righthands | Self assessment what did they find tricky?
*Left/rightprobably. |
Day 4 (Thurs) | Usevocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; readthe time to the hour and half hour | I know that it is 3 o'clock when the big hand points to the 12 andthe small hand points to the 3 | Say days of theweek
Say months of theyear | What day is ittoday? What day was ityesterday? What day will it betomorrow? Which days are we atschool? Which days are thereno school? What are these days called? (weekend)
School days: What time do we getup? Go to bed? Come toschool? Have certainlessons? (Show these times onclock can ch. put the clock to correct time?)
| MA work in pairs todraw pictures and make clocks for a class timetable. (Give them o clocktimes) | LA Order daysagain. Can I catch them out? What do you do on______ Draw pictures forthings you do at wkend (KB)
HA Draw picturesand clock faces for class timetable. Give them halfpasts/quarter pasts. (MOB) | Sort out which timeseach group will have.
Clock faces
Clock | Feedback on differenttimes what do we do then and what does the clock looklike? |
Day 5 (Fri) | Usevocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; readthe time to the hour and half hour | I know that it is 3 o'clock when the big hand points to the 12 andthe small hand points to the 3 | Say days of theweek
Say months of theyear
Try to trick childrenby saying in wrong order can they notice? | Give children a timeand they are to put hands in correct position on own clocks.
Circle showme HA halves andquarters. | MA Workindependently to complete simple time sheet.
HA Time sheet challenge them to complete quarters and halves. (KB support bothgroups) | LA Recap days ofweek and months. When are theirbirthdays? What month is itnow? What was lastmonth? What is nextmonth?
Challenge them tomake times using own clocks. (MOB) | Simple timesheets |,1,Slide1
Day 6 (Mon) | Usevocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; readthe time to the hour and half hour | I know that it is 3 o'clock when the big hand points to the 12 andthe small hand points to the 3 | Put clock at o clocktime. All saytogether
Same for halfpast Quarter to andpast
| Go through time sheetand ask children to tell partner their answer for each q. | MA Workindependently to complete simple time sheet. HA Time sheet challenge them to complete quarters and halves. (KB support bothgroups) | LA Recap days ofweek and months. Order them. When are theirbirthdays? What month is itnow? What was lastmonth? What is nextmonth?
Challenge them tomake times using own clocks. Make sure all are secure with o clocktimes. (MOB)
| Simple timesheets
Enlarge one.
Days and months toorder. |,1,Slide1
Day 7 (Tues) | Relateaddition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in anyorder; use practical and informal written methods to support theaddition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digitor two-digit number | I can buy two toys and work out how much they costaltogether | Addition questionsusing p. 1p + 1p 2p + 1p 1p + 2p 5p + 1p 1p + 5p 5p + 2p 2p + 5p
(use moneyfans)
| Solving moneyproblems. Ask ch.question
What coins could Iuse to pay for an ice cream that costs 5p? Talk to talk partner. To show ideas.
What is the least no.of coins I could use? What is themost?
What if I wanted tobuy 2 ice creams? How much money would I need? Tell talkpartner. How did you work thatout?
| HA In pairs take itin turns to be shopkeeper and buy 2 items. Give correctmoney. Items up to 10peach. Use 1p, 2p, 5p, 10pcoins
Were you right? Checkeach answer together. How can youcheck? TALK to eachother!
| LA Take it inturns to be shop keeper. Others to buy 2 items at a time. How much did theycost? Work it out and pay shop keeper. (items up to 5p each use 1ps to pay) (MOB)
MA - Take it in turnsto be shop keeper. Others to buy 2 items at a time. How much did theycost? Work it out and pay shop keeper. (items up to 5p each use1ps and 2ps) (KB)
| Items and prices foreach group.
| Use moneyfans.
Question for eachgroup.
I bought 2 sweets.They cost_____. How much were theyaltogether?
HA 5p and 2p
MA 2p and 2p
LA 1p and 1p |
Day 8 (Wed) | Understandsubtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number | I can work out how much I have left from 20p when I buy atoy | Count up to 10 andback to 0.
Then up to 20 andback to 0.
Give children anumber and they carry on counting to 20.
Start at: 11 5 18 14 19 | Show children how tocount on to work out how much change they have. Put the number thatit costs in your head. Count on until you get to the amount ofmoney you have.
I have 20p pocketmoney. My toy cost 11p. How much change do I have?
Tell talk partner howyou think you can work it out. Feedback.
I have 20p pocketmoney. My toy cost 12p. How much change do I have?
I have 20p pocketmoney. My toy cost 18p. How much change do I have?
| MA Work in pairs towork out how much money you would have left from 20p if the toycost: 11p 20p 19p 14p 7p 18p 10p 5p 15p
Record onwhiteboards
HA - MA Work inpairs to work out how much money you would have left from 20p ifthe toy cost: 11p 20p 19p 14p 7p 18p 10p 5p 15p
Record onwhiteboards | LA KB asshopkeeper. All children have 10 penny coins. Show toys costingdiff. amounts. All ch. answer eachq. You have 10p. Howmuch money will you have left if you buy ____? Repeat for all toysusing money, Can any of them work it out without using the money?i.e. Put the number that it costs in your head. Count on untilyou get to the amount of money you have.
| Toys
| Feedback from HA andMA groups
Show me on yourfingers the money you will have left.
You have got20p. The toy cost14p.
What coins might theybe?
Day 9 (Thurs) | Solveproblems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling orhalving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for exampleto 'pay' and 'give change' | I can add up and take away when I measure | Count in 2s to20 Count in 5s to100 Count in 10s to100 | Whats in thebag? Sit with work partner each to have coins. I have got 2 coins inmy bag. They add up to 4p. What coins are they? (2p and2p)
3 coins add up to5p. What coins? (2p 2p 1p)
3 coins add up to6p (2p 2p 2p)
2 coins add up to6p (5p 1p) | MA Challenge howmany ways can you make 8p? Record onwhiteboards | LA Challenge howmany ways can you make 6p? (KB) Record onwhiteboards
HA challenge howmany ways can you make 8p and 9p? (MOB) Record onwhiteboards | Feely bag
| Feedback onchallenge
Ways to make6p 8p 9p |
Day 10 (Fri) | Estimate,measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitableuniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments(e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug) | I can guess how many jugs of water I will put into the bowl to fillit | Tell children thatthey are going to order things by weight, capacity and length (andheight)
What do these wordsmean? Tell partner, thenme.
Talk through eachactivity. Discuss how they will record? Ideas
| 4 groups (work aswork groups) Talk about how youwill record as a group. Take turns to record.
Weight Order toys. Checkwith scales. Record. Length Order ribbons. Checkwith multilink. Record. Capacity Order containers.Check using sand record. Height Order group in heightand record. | 4 ribbons ofdifferent lengths and colours
4 toys
4 containers
| Feedback |
We missed 3 days ofmaths due to changing timetable for paper making/children notgrasping concepts last week so having an extra week on this module(D2)
Day (Mon) | Usevocabulary related to time; order days of the week and months; readthe time to the hour and half hour | I know that it is 3 o'clock when the big hand points to the 12 andthe small hand points to the 3 | Say days of theweek
Say months of theyear
Try to trick childrenby saying in wrong order can they notice? | What day is ittoday? What day was ityesterday? What day will it betomorrow? Which days are we atschool? Which days are thereno school? What are these days called? (weekend) Explain task | HA - Tell time storyin pairs. Try to use o clocks and half pasts. Use quarters if youcan! | LA Sit in a circle.Take turns to tell a made up story including times. Each child hasown clock and must put it to correct time as story is told. e.g. It was Mondayand Bob woke up at 7 o clock for school. (MOB)
MA Tell time storyin circle. (KB)
| Clocks
| Feedback on timestory.
How do we know itsan o clock time?
How do we know its ahalf past time?
How do we know its aquarter to/past time?
Day (Tues)
| Relateaddition to counting on; recognise that addition can be done in anyorder; use practical and informal written methods to support theaddition of a one-digit number or a multiple of 10 to a one-digitor two-digit number | I can buy two toys and work out how much they costaltogether | Addition questionsusing p. 1p + 1p 2p + 1p 1p + 2p 5p + 1p 1p + 5p 5p + 2p 2p + 5p
(use moneyfans)
| Solving moneyproblems. Ask ch.question
What coins could Iuse to pay for an ice cream that costs 6p? Talk to talkpartner. Feedback
What is the least no.of coins I could use? 5p and 1p What is themost? Six 1p coins
What if I wanted tobuy 2 ice creams? How much money would I need? Tell talkpartner. How did you work thatout?
| MA Simple sheet towork out total cost of 2 items. | LA Add up theprice of 2 things to find total. Stick on paper to display.(MOB)
HA - Simple sheet towork out total cost of 2 items. Challenge them towork out cost of 3 items. (KB)
Simple sheet | Question for eachgroup.
I bought 2 sweets.They cost_____. How much were theyaltogether?
HA 9p and 4p
MA 5p and 3p
LA 2p and 2p
Day (Wed) | Understandsubtraction as 'take away' and find a 'difference' by counting up;use practical and informal written methods to support thesubtraction of a one-digit number from a one-digit or two-digitnumber and a multiple of 10 from a two-digit number | I can work out how much I have left from 20p when I buy atoy | Count up to 10 andback to 0.
Then up to 20 andback to 0.
Give children anumber and they carry on counting to 20.
Start at: 11 5 18 14 19 | Show children how tocount on to work out how much change they have. Put the number thatit costs in your head. Count on until you get to the amount ofmoney you have.
I have 20p pocketmoney. My toy cost 11p. How much change do I have?
Tell talk partner howyou think you can work it out. Feedback.
I have 20p pocketmoney. My toy cost 12p. How much change do I have?
I have 20p pocketmoney. My toy cost 18p. How much change do I have?
| MA Work in pairs towork out how much money you would have left from 20p if the toycost: 11p 20p 19p 14p 7p 18p 10p 5p 15p
Record onwhiteboards
HA - MA Work inpairs to work out how much money you would have left from 20p ifthe toy cost: 11p 20p 19p 14p 7p 18p 10p 5p 15p
Record onwhiteboards | LA KB asshopkeeper. All children have 10 penny coins. Show toys costingdiff. amounts. All ch. answer eachq. You have 10p. Howmuch money will you have left if you buy ____? Repeat for all toysusing money, Can any of them work it out without using the money?i.e. Put the number that it costs in your head. Count on untilyou get to the amount of money you have.
| Toys
| Feedback from HA andMA groups
Show me on yourfingers the money you will have left.
You have got20p. The toy cost14p.
What coins might theybe?
Day (Thurs) | Solveproblems involving counting, adding, subtracting, doubling orhalving in the context of numbers, measures or money, for exampleto 'pay' and 'give change' | I can add up and take away when I measure | Count in 2s to20 Count in 5s to100 Count in 10s to100 | Whats in thebag? Sit with work partner each to have coins. I have got 2 coins inmy bag. They add up to 4p. What coins are they? (2p and2p)
3 coins add up to5p. What coins? (2p 2p 1p)
3 coins add up to6p (2p 2p 2p)
2 coins add up to6p (5p 1p) | MA Challenge howmany ways can you make 8p? Record onwhiteboards | LA Challenge howmany ways can you make 6p? (KB) Record onwhiteboards
HA challenge howmany ways can you make 8p and 9p? (MOB) Record onwhiteboards | Feely bag
| Feedback onchallenge
Ways to make6p 8p 9p |
Day (Fri) | Estimate,measure, weigh and compare objects, choosing and using suitableuniform non-standard or standard units and measuring instruments(e.g. a lever balance, metre stick or measuring jug) | I can guess how many jugs of water I will put into the bowl to fillit | Tell children thatthey are going to order things by weight, capacity and length (andheight)
What do these wordsmean? Tell partner, thenme.
Talk through eachactivity. Discuss how they will record? Ideas
| 4 groups (work aswork groups) Talk about how youwill record as a group. Take turns to record.
Weight Order toys. Checkwith scales. Record. Length Order ribbons. Checkwith multilink. Record. Capacity Order containers.Check using sand record. Height Order group in heightand record. | 4 ribbons ofdifferent lengths and colours
4 toys
4 containers
| Feedback |