Brenden is Teaching


NameLit year 4 Spring
DescriptionFirst half term Lit plan
File 1221_Med term lit Spr 1 yr 4.doc
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Narrative-Unit 3

Storiesfrom other cultures

TBAT identify andsummarise evidence from a text to support a hypothesis

TBAT deducecharacters reasons for behaviour from their actions

TBAT explain howwriters use figurative and expressive language

TBAT interrogatetexts to deepen and clarify understanding

The Girl story from CDRom to readand discuss part 1 & 2. Role play and group work.

Facts from Vietnam and weblink toprint for ch to use for research in jigsaw groupings and reportback on.

Smart lit first week- TheGirl

Geog- maps and artefacts fromVietnam





TBAT explain howwriters use expressive language to create images andatmosphere

TBAT usefigurative and expressive language


TBAT understandthe social importance of storytelling in nomadic societies.

TBAT retell astory orally


TBAT interpretdetails of the ways of life of different peoples.

TBAT useexpression and voice for effect


TBAT create astory map

TBAT retell astory

Phase 2 day 1 ofunit 3 Predictions the ghostly woman to include some role play.Write a short description about what happened next and how theywould feel in a similar situation.

Day 2- figurativelanguage. How does the illustration make you feel? Identifyalliteration and simile from the text.

Day 3- Tales toldin tents session 1.

Read A wholebrain on IWB and discuss. Introduce the teller of the stories frombeginning of book (on screen) Discuss some aspects of nomadic life.Children to draw an illustration for the story a whole brain andretell orally the story maybe using role play in groups.

Day 4- Blue sky,White wing

Read text anddiscuss what text is telling us. In groups rehearse readingchorally- remind children that to do this they need to listen toeach other carefully. They need to think about speed of delivery,volume, pitch and expression. Perform reading.

Day 5- The carpetof dreams-

Read story andmap out together on IWB in scenes. Children to work in pairs toretell story using story map. Share some of the retellings. Discusswhich parts of the story were easiest to tell.

Ghostly Womanfrom CDRom






Website withTales told in tents on full screen. (see web address at base oftable) road map and smart doc-Tales told in tents

Text printed forpairs/ groups


Geog- maps ofsilk route and pictures of scenes/ things that would have beenseen. Camel caravan. What would have been traded?





TBAT listen andrespond to an oral story by discussion and drama

TBAT begin tounderstand what dreamtime means in Aboriginal culture.

TBAT create aposter about Aboriginal culture

TBAT rewrite astory in a shorter form by using just the key events

TBAT understandand present a written retelling of an oral story

Day 1 read Arainbow snake story and discuss.

Look at Australiaon maps on IWB. Discuss type of scenery and characters.

Day 2- readanother aborigine story and






Day 4- write keypoints of story. How the water got to the plains.

DAY 5- write ownversion of story- changing some elments and video clips to accompany. stories website with dreamtime explanations


Art- journeys- aboriginal artfolder in My docs- my pics-school






Play-Aborigine link

TBATReadand explore characteristics of playscripts

TBAT.Explorecharacters, issues and dilemmas. Improvise dialogue between keycharacters.

TBAT use appropriateadverbs

TBAT Use word processing packages topresent written work and continue to increase speed and accuracy intyping

TBATExplorecharacters, issues and dilemmas. Improvise dialogue between keycharacters and use this as the basis for writing own shortplayscripts

TBATPerform(possibly using ICT to record) and evaluate plays

Read examples of plays in wholeclass and smaller groups and rehearse.

Identify characteristics ofplayscripts compared to stories.

Remind class what to include inown writing of playscript.

Use stories from last week to turninto a playscript and perform. The rainbow serpent.

Scholastic play scripts.

Rainbow serpent story.

Art unit-

Aborigine art and last weeksaborigine stories






Assessmentsof reading and spelling

Parentsevenings to prepare for.

TBAT use contentsand index pages to locate information

TBAT use indexand glossary pages to research information texts

TBAT write ownglossary entries

TBAT assess reading age

andspelling ages.

TBAT scan text for key words

TBAT identify howparagraphs organise and sequence information

TBATidentifyconjunctions and adverbs.

TBAT mark andannotate key words, sentences, headings and paragraphs

Read examples ofinformation texts on screen and in books- identify what are thecharacteristics of information texts.

Use index, andcontents pages to find information.

Sort words intoalphabetical order.

Using topic words-write own glossary.

Use Folens text onPompeii- read and identify characteristics of each paragraph-identify key words and features. Write own version of ext inparagraphs.

Look at examples ofwebpages about Pompeii and look at pages of extra info and pics ofPompeii.

Then write ownexample of Pompeii as a web page.

Read about Importanceof Boudicca in books and on website. Write key points in note formfor future use.

Watch clip of finalbattle scenes from you tube. Set homework to write a letter homefrom the battle.



Roman informationbooks.

Internet researchon Romans.

Folens text book-Pompeii.

Books and websiteabout Boudicca and Youtube clips of battle. Boudicca website scene 1 of 2 final battle scenes



