Name | Materials and Change - Water |
Owner | newz |
Level | 3 |
Topic | Science |
Unit | Materials and Change - Water |
Description | Changing Materials |
File 1 | 208_sciencematandchangep3and4may06.doc |
File 2 |
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FROM : 24 : 4 : 06 TO : 30 : 6: 06 CLASS: P3/4 TEACHER : C.Christie
Programme ofStudy | Objectives | Teaching Methods and Learning experiences | Resources | Assessment | Subject Links |
Sort a range of everydayobjects
Explore the properties ofmaterials including shape, colour, texture and behaviour
Find out about the effectof heating and cooling some everyday substances, such as water,chocolate or butter
| Children will : Appreciate that water iscolourless, odourless, has no taste and feels wet.
List uses of water.
Realise importance of waterfor daily life e.g. animals and plants as well as us.
Begin to use and understandthe vocabulary pour, soak, splash, float, bubbles, melt, warm,see-through, (P4 transparent, cloudy, opaque), cracked, freeze,frozen, hard and slippery.
Describe how water occursas a solid (ice), liquid (water)
Appreciate that water as aliquid takes the shape of its container.
Realise water as a solidkeeps its shape.
Realise water flows to findits own level.
Examine water running downa slope.
Suggest what happens ifthere is something in the way of the running water.
Explore how water in a tubefinds its lowest level.
Realise some objects floatin water whilst others sink.
Investigate objects to findout if they float or sink
Discuss how many heavyobjects float e.g. ships (they contain air)
Design and make boats whichfloat in water.
Develop manipulative skillsin the use of Technology tools (see tools progression chart)
Investigate which materialmakes the best boat?
Discuss designs and whetheror not they would change them.
Know that heating somematerials changes them.
Know that cooling somematerials changes them.
Know what happens tochocolate, butter, ice-cream, cheese and carrot when heated andthen cooled.
Know that heating somematerials changes them.
Know that cooling somematerials changes them.
Be familiar with termsreversible/irreversible and P4 temporary and permanent | Fill a beaker of water foreach table. What is it?
What does it looklike? Is it see through? Does it smell? What does it feellike? Is it safe to tasteit?
Uses of water, where iswater found? Ess w/s 5 and NaturetrekC.1
Look at ice cubes whathappened to water in the freezer? What happened to it out of thefreezer? Explore ice in S. Playactivities
Fill a cup, jug, bottle,bowl with water what shape is it in each container? Look at ice if we put itinto different containers does the shape change? Ess w/s pg7 I love Science Mosworkshop games 26 and 27
Pour water down a slopewhich way does it run? What happens if something is in itsway? How does it move on a flatsurface? Use plastic tubing and afunnel to examine changing water levels. Does water flow throughholes?
Demonstrate displacementusing a beaker of water and a small and larger object. Ess recording w/s 8,9
Identify objects. Expt witha floater and sinker what happened. What does float/sinkmean?
Explore objects 1 at atime. Are there any patterns do all wooden objects float? Hasweight anything to do with it? If an object is full ofwater will it float or sink? Investigate a ball of claydoes it float? If it is moulded into a hollow boat shape does itfloat? Do we float in the pool? What happens if we weararmbands? Test metal nails on a metallid carefully add extra nails, what happens? Record floaters and sinkersin a w/s
Design and make boats whichfloat in water (rowing, sailing, cruiser or hovercraft)
Investigate which materialmakes the best boat? Note fair testing, record results and drawconclusions.
Discuss designs and whetheror not they would change them. Fitness for purpose. If they didntfloat why not?
Want to go on a picnic andwill have to take food with you, want to know will the heat changethe food.
I -Design an investigation; fair test Will heatchange the picnic food?
Place foods in tincontainers in basin of water, wait for an agreed amount of time,predict what will happen, will they change and if so which willchange first? Observe and record results. Now place food in coldwater do they change? (As heat has changed them want to know whatwould happen if they are cooled) Record results and discuss Whichsubstances changed back to what they were before? Which did notchange back? Introduce term reversible/ irreversible change. I love Science Mosworkshop games 21-23
I -Make jelly what happens when it isheated/cooled?
Bring in hard boiled eggsdiscuss changes brought about by cooking
Note termsreversible/irreversible changes and temporary and permanent.
I love Science Mosworkshop games 21-23 | Beakers, tap water,newspaper, Ess for Science Water, Naturetrek Water
Ess for Science Water, cup,.jug, bottle, bowl, bucket, ice
Plastic tray, cup, jug ofwater, sieve, funnel, tube
Water tray, selection ofobjects e.g. ruler, spoon, rubber, wood, pebble, plastic tub, metallid, nails
corroflute, art straws, tinfoil, craft sticks, polystyrene tray, fabric for sail, plastictubs
Basin of hot water, basinof cold water, chocolate, butter, ice-cream, cheese andcarrot.
Recording w/s
Jelly, hot water
Boiled egg
Recording worksheet | Ability to describeproperties of water
Ability to list uses ofwater
Observation duringpractical work
Ability to sort objectsinto floaters and sinkers
Explaining design andjoining techniques to others
Carrying outinvestigation
Ability to carry out afairtest, record and present results
Oral questioning
Observation duringpractical work
Oral questioning
| English