Brenden is Teaching


NameShort tennis
UnitNet Wall games
Description6 weeks of Short Tennis activities
File 1167_Short Tennis Plan.doc
File 2

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Medium Term Plan


MainLearning Objectives

Children shouldlearn:

NC Pos



WarmUp MainActivity Cool Down

Main LearningOutcomes


Findingspace in net games

   Tochoose a range of tactics and strategies

   Tokeep rules for net games, using their knowledge of basic principlesof attack and defence.




1a,2a, 4a, 4b, 5b, 7a, 7c

Giveeach child a tennis ball.

Oncommand walk around and then jog around the hall.

Commandthe children to do different throwing and catching skills, underthe legs etc, bouncing and catching.

Performsome different stretches.

Childreninto groups of an even size. (4 or 5 is best)

Getchildren to set up the court using nets and coloured domes.

Eachchild has their own zone to play from. (See diagram 1.1)

Oneteam starts with the ball and throw it underarm intotheir opponents court. The ball can only bounce once before theother team must catch it.

Scoreone point if the ball is not caught after one bounce. First to 3points then swap over.

Followingthis let children move anywhere in their court and play again butthis time the ball is not allowed to bounce at all.

Firstto 3 again.

Allequipment away.


Jogaround and form groups of a given number and make the givenshape.


I.e.5 spiky, 7, stretchy.


Childrenfrom the number called then work as a group to get into a positionshowing the word told.

  Performthrowing, catching and hitting skills with control andconsistency.

  Directthe ball into space in their opponents court area.

  Getinto a good position ready to receive the ball.


Findingthe space in net games.

   Tochoose a range of tactics and strategies

   Tokeep rules for net games, using their knowledge of basic principlesof attack and defence.




1a,2a, 4a, 4b, 5b, 7a, 7c

Askch to walk around raising legs up high, travelling in differentways, level, direction, speed. Shout a number and children are toget into that number. End on 3 and get children to sit in their 3one behind another facing stage area.

Relays running and bouncing the ball on racket, bouncing and catchingetc.



Setup exercise as in Diagram 1.2

Ch1stands inside court with racket.

Ch2feeds ball to him with an underarm throw. If ch1 manages to hitball back over the net and it bounces twice team 1 will score apoint. If ball is caught before it bounces team2 will score thepoint. Team with racket rotate and team without take turns to feedthe ball.

Eachplayer to get 1 turn to hit the ball back and then compare scores.Swap over teams and repeat.

Highlightgood practice and ask for peer evaluation.


PlayKing of the Court.

Choose1 ch as the King and others are to be in the other half of thehall. One child feeds tennis ball and the King has to hit it backover the net. If the ball fails to go over the net or it is caughtby another child, change the king.

  Performthrowing, catching and hitting skills with control andconsistency.

  Directthe ball into space in their opponents court area.

Getinto a good position ready to receive the ball.

Main LearningObjectives

Children shouldlearn:

NC Pos


WarmUp MainActivity Cool Down

Main LearningOutcomes


Volleying,floor stroke and catching

Tohit forehand shots with consistency and control in wallgames.

Tochoose a range of strategies and skills to keep a rally going witha partner.

Tofollow rules for wall games and competitions, using their racketskills.

1a,1b, 2a, 4a, 4b, 5b, 7a, 7b

Playtennis ball scramble. Have 4 teams. 1 in each corner of the hall.Have 30 tennis balls in hoop in middle. Ch are to take it in turnsto run to the middle and get a ball. Once all balls are gone, theythen take them from each other. 1 at a time!!!!! Stretches

Aimof lesson become more accurate with hitting skills.

Witha partner children to find a space in hall. Number themselves 1 and2.

Ch1is to feed the ball to ch2 and ch2 will then volley it back to ch1to catch. Once they have completed 5 change over.

Followingthis do backhand volleys.

Then..ch1 to feed ball with a bounce and ch2 to stroke the ball back toch1 who will catch it, then change over once 5 have beencompleted.


Kingof the court

Becomemore accurate with their hitting skills.

Directthe ball with control, accuracy.

Getinto a good position to receive the ball.



Tocontrol a ball with a racket and develop their rallying skills withtheir partner.

Tofollow rules for net games and keep rallies going.

Tokeep score using a system that rewards accurate hitting.

1a,1b, 2a, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, 5b, 7a, 7c

Walk,then jog around hall. Different directions and speeds andlevels.

Oncommand Im a star, ee-or etc. Then sit with a partner.

Giveeach child a racket and a ball and ask to sit opposite each otherwith the net in the middle.

Childrento space themselves out and see how long they can keep their rallygoing. Sit down once lost control of the ball.

Allow1 touch to set up shot then another to stroke it back to theirpartner.

Allow2 mins to do this and then ask children to stop and listen.

Nowchildren will try to complete it and count how many they can dowithout losing control of the rally.


Playmoving rally. One ball, but one racket each. Show children goodstarting position.









Allchildren behind a certain line. Hoops placed all over the hall withpoints awarded for getting the ball to bounce in hoop.


Setclass target or individual stamps awarded.

Hita ball over their net and maintain a rally with theirpartner.

Getinto a good position on court to receive the ball and direct theball into their opponents court.

Workwell with others to improve their score.













Main LearningObjectives

Children shouldlearn:

NC Pos


WarmUp Main ActivityCool Down

Main LearningOutcomes



Todevelop the range and consistency of their skills, including how touse the volley in net games.

Touse a range of tactics, choosing different shots to hit the ballinto the court.

1a,1b, 2a, 3a, 4a, 4b, 4c, 5b, 7a, 7c

Startwith slow walking around the hall, getting faster into a jog. Stopand find a partner. Give each pair a racket and a ball. They are tofeed, hit and catch the ball as a pair. 5 hits then swap over.First to complete 10 successful hits and catches sit down racketand ball on the floor.

Withsame partners now see how many volleys you can do in a row withoutthe ball bouncing. (allow 5 minutes)

Makegroups of 4. Ask ch to set up as per diagram 1.3.

Eachgroup to get 3 hoops, one ball and one racket.

Demonstratewhat is required. One feeder two catchers and one batter.

Demonstratehow to step into the ball when volleying. IT IS NOT ABOUT WHO CANHIT IT THE HARDEST!!!!!

Hoopson other side of the net are worth 1,2,or 3 points. Each hittergets 3 goes and sees how many points they can score. All 4 childrento have a go at feeding, catching and hitting.

Changepeople over so they are working with different children and repeattask.

Choosechildren to demonstrate good practice and ask others toevaluate.


Playextended King of the court.

Childrenline up on one side of the net with their racket.


Teacherto feed ball to ch. If ch hits it successfully over the net andinside the allocated court space they get their ball and join backof line. If they dont they put ball back in tub and join me onfeeding side trying to catch the ball.

Shouldthey catch a persons ball that person will also then join me. Carryon till 3 children remaining.

Learnhow to volley and begin to use this shot when the opportunityarises in a game.

Performshots on both sides of the body.

Directthe ball at a target and into their opponents court.



Todevelop the range and consistency of their skills, including how touse the volley in net games.

Touse a range of tactics and strategies.

Toadapt and make rules for net games, using their knowledge of basicprinciples of attack and defence.

1a,1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b, 4b, 4c, 5a, 7a, 7b, 7c

Putchildren into pairs and give one ball between them. On commandchildren are to walk around hall together as a pair throwing theball to one another. On command then try and run faster throwingand catching ball to one another.

Organisechildren into groups of four and give them a ball, 4 rackets, fourcones and two hoops.

Allowchildren 10 minutes thinking time to design their own net game.Children must be able to establish the rules and be able to teachthe game to the rest of the class.

Encouragethe children to also make up a points scoring system for theirgame.


Playa few of the games invented.

Stretchingand moving about activities. Walk along the lines, stretch into ashape etc.

Workin a small group to devise their own net game.

Explainwhat they are trying to do and establish rules that they can teachto others.

Tryto beat their opponent by using tactics and playing attackingshots.





Risk Assessment:

*identify areasto stay clear prior to lesson beginning *check children for lacestied, jewellery removed, wearing correct footwear and clothing*check balls prior to lesson *ensure children move to hall in asensible manner *playground and hall checked for hazards *knowemergency and accident procedures *brief other adult helpers priorto lesson beginning.


This will takeplace when needed and will be identified by the teacher deliveringthe lesson. More able children will be identified and given tasksthat will push their ability further.

Resources Needed:

School hall,short tennis nets, tennis balls, rackets, markers, cones,hoops.


Children must be able to:-

use a forehand and backhand shot.Use a volley in a game situation. Use the skills they have learntwith consistency and accuracy. Play co-operatively with a partner.Identify how and why we warm up our bodies in preparation forexercise.

Children should be able to:-

Play a game with help. Use a smallrange of basis shots on both sides of their body. Recognise theneed to warm up and carry out exercise safely. Volley theball.

Children could be able to :-

Play a full game based on shorttennis using the rules and scoring procedures needed. Use a widerange of shots with a good degree of consistency and accuracy. Leadothers in short warm up activities. Identify how to improve theirown and others skills.

Cross Curricular Links:-


Individual and team scoring andtiming.


Making up and agreeing rules.Working co-operatively with children we normally wouldnt workwith.


Awareness of breathing and pulserate.

Investigating how the body changesduring exercise.